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时间:2022-08-07 08:46来源:毕业论文



Research on the trend and problems of Chinese luxury goods import

  Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, with the market economic system gradually established and perfected, a significant improvement in the total GDP, more and more Chinese people have the ability of luxury consumption and purchasing power increased dramatically and leaped to become the world's second largest consumer。 Consumer groups are young, the types of consumer luxury goods, brand persification, the scale of luxury imports is gradually expanding。 In this paper, starting from the current situation of luxury consumption, according to the consumption of luxury goods and the current market situation analysis, discuss the problem existing in the import trade on luxury goods, such as: high price luxury goods in the domestic market, imported luxury goods quality problems serious。 。

Keywords: Luxury Import ;export trade ;Luxury trade ;development

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、 我国奢侈品进口的背景与现状 3

(一) 我国奢侈品进口的背景 3

(二)我国奢侈品进口的现状 3

二、我国奢侈品进口的发展趋势 4

(一)政府介入促进我国奢侈品进口的发展 4

(二)下调奢侈品进口关税奢侈品国内消费份额呈增势 5

(三)奢侈品进口贸易总额增速放缓本土奢侈品壮大 6

三、 我国奢侈品进口中存在的问题 6

(一)奢侈品国内外差价过高 6

(二)进口奢侈品质量不过关 7

(三)进口奢侈品国内售后服务不到位 7

(四)奢侈品走私现象严重 8

四、我国奢侈品进口贸易存在问题的对策 9

(一)减少奢进口奢侈品的流通环节 9

(二)加强对奢侈品进出口贸易的监管 9

(三)加大打击奢侈品的走私力度 10

参考文献 13

致谢 14



近年来,一股奢侈品消费的浪潮在中国大面积涌现。世界各大奢侈品厂商相继看中中国市场这块大蛋糕,纷纷入驻中国市场。2014年我国国内奢侈品消费额为250亿元,中国消费者的全球奢侈品消费达到1060亿美元,占全球奢侈品消费的46%,由此可见中国奢侈品消费规模之庞大也是世界上屈指可数的。奢侈品在中国市场的消费情况已经被媒体铺天盖地的报道,看到国人如此惊人的购买力,不少人感叹:中国人对于奢侈品消费的热情竟空前高涨。论文网 我国奢侈品进口的发展趋势与问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_97557.html
