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时间:2021-11-21 20:19来源:毕业论文


Since the founding of the Communist Party of China, began to develop their own financial institutions。 During the period of Anti Japanese War, the Communist Party of Japan based on the objective reality of the war of resistance against Japan, leading the various anti Japanese bases to further carry out financial business, formed a "financial services center, according to issue its own currency, the currency amount should not be exceeded the number of market demand in the border region, bianbi should maintain no less than the counterfeit money and finance thought appropriate foreign trade, monetary policy as a backing。 With the convening of the eighteen, China's economy began to enter the new normal, in order to achieve the goal of one hundred two years of struggle, the Communist Party launched a series of financial reform。 The same as under the leadership of the Communist Party of China financial work, obtained during the period of the war of resistance against Japan financial thought contains the philosophy and financial practice work experience must also can for the development of China's current social and financial reform to provide some reference and reference, in order to promote China's financial business to better advance more quickly。

关键词:中国; 抗战时期; 金融思想;金融改革

Keyword: communist party of china; the period of the war of Resistance Against Japan; financial thought; financial reform

目    录

一、抗战时期中国金融思想产生的背景 4

二、抗战时期中国的金融思想 4

(一)金融政策要为抗战的中心工作服务 4

(二)根据地要组织发行自己的货币 5

(三)边区的纸币数量不应超过边区市场上的需要数量 5

(四)边币应维持不低于伪币的比价 6

(五)应有适当的对外贸易政策作为货币政策之后盾 7

三、抗战时期中国金融思想对当前金融改革的现实意义 8

(一)金融改革的发展要以现实的国情为客观基础 8

(二)金融改革的发展要遵循客观的经济规律 9

(三)金融改革的发展要从政治高度出发 10

(四)金融改革的发展要以维护人民的利益为出发点 10

金融是经济运行的血液和命脉,是现代经济的核心,它对整个国民经济的发展具有牵一发而动全身的重大影响。自十八大以来,我国经济进入“新常态”,经济增速从原来的高速转向中高速,尽可能地实现经济的可持续发展。这也就意味着中国又一次站在了历史发展的转折点上,未来中国的经济发展能否真正地适应新常态的趋势,关键在于经济体制的改革和经济结构的调整。因此,中国为了实现中华民族的伟大复兴,为了实现两个一百年的奋斗目标,在金融领域开始实行新一轮的金融改革。作为中国领导下进行的事业,此次金融改革一方面需要我们从西方的金融管理与改革创新中借鉴经验,另一方面也需要我们从中国自身的金融实践和思想中总结经验,汲取有益的东西,为当今中国金融事业的改革与发展提供借鉴和指导。 抗战时期中国共产党的金融思想及其现实意义:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_85326.html
