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时间:2021-10-09 22:04来源:毕业论文



Abstract:The problem of the small property right house construction in Shanghai has a long history, which is rooted in the complicated and changeable social environment, which is the result of the rapid development of the market economy and the lagging legal system。 With the increasing competition in the Shanghai real estate market, commercial housing prices are constantly rising, the rigidity of the housing needs of the people and the high prices formed a huge contradiction, more to the small property market tilt, small property has become an important option for many people to solve the housing problem。 However, due to the small property room does not comply with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, there is no way to deal with various risks, such as property rights, making the purchase of small property rights there are many worries。 This paper from the project management and the view of Sociology of law of Shanghai small property projects are discussed, starting from the fundamental interests of the people, puts forward countermeasures to solve the problem of small property, for the government to provide feasible suggestions and policies to better serve the people, to provide a better house the environment in Shanghai buyers。 

KeyWords:Shanghai small property right house, problem, countermeasure


一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究目的与意义 1

(三)研究内容 2

(四)研究方法 2

二、小产权房发展现状 3

(一)小产权房的概念 3

(二)小产权房与大产权房的区别 4

(三)小产权房的产生原因 4

1、土地政策的“城乡二元制” 4

2、城镇人口增长迅速 5

3、城市商品房房价过高 5

(四)全国与上海小产权房发展现状 6

1、全国小产权房发展现状 6

2、上海小产权房发展现状 7

(五)小产权房存在的问题 7

1、缺少“五证” 7

2、拆迁难补偿 8

3、质量难保证 8

4、转让或遗赠有困难 8

三、上海小产权房建设项目存在风险 9

(一)法律风险 9

(二)政策风险 上海小产权房建设项目存在的风险及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_82648.html
