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时间:2022-08-07 08:50来源:毕业论文



Development of Service Trade in China Situation, Problems and Countermeasures

Abstract: Tourism service trade is the world's fastest, most potential and competitiveness of the industry, is a very important part of international trade in services。 The traditional industry as China's trade in services, tourism services trade has occupied a very large proportion, has made important contributions to China's economic development, but tourism in our country there is still a lot of problems in the development of trade in services。 After China's accession to the World Trade Organization and trade in services, tourism further liberalization of trade in services, while facing opportunities and challenges。 Therefore, based on trade in tourism services for the research theme, the first analysis of tourism service trade development in China, based on this analysis of the problems in tourism service trade in our country, and then analyzes the causes of problems, and corresponding measures have been proposed to solve these problems。

Key words: Tourism; Trade in services; Product development; Government

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、 我国旅游服务贸易的发展现状 2

(一)旅游业创汇收入不断提高 2

(二)旅游服务贸易总量持续增长 2

(三)旅游服务贸易在服务贸易中的比重下降 3

二、 我国现阶段旅游服务贸易存在的问题 4

(一)旅游产品结构单一,服务水平低下 4

(二)旅游资源经营管理水平低 4

(三)地区发展不平衡 4

三、我国旅游服务贸易存在问题的原因 5

(一)旅游特色不明显,开发不合理 5

(二)旅游法律体系不健全 5

(三)政府过于强调旅游服务贸易的经济效益 6

(四)旅游服务贸易缺少品牌支持 6

四、解决我国旅游服务贸易发展问题的对策 7

(一)优化服务贸易结构,提高市场洞察力 7

(二)加强管理,完善旅游法律法规 7

(三)向服务型政府转型,做好旅游服务发展的基础保障 8

(四)鼓励企业积极拓展海外旅游市场 9

(五)与国际接轨,树立旅游商品开发新理念 9

参考文献 我国旅游服务贸易的发展现状问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_97559.html
