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时间:2021-04-24 21:37来源:毕业论文
从经济、技术、工业体系和国内外相关需求四个方面进行分析;第四部分是浅 析我国船舶出口的成就和前景;第五部分得出结论并提出建议

摘要:近年来,中国造船产量出现了惊人的增长,成为具有重要影响力的世界造船大国。 中国船舶出口到包括希腊、挪威、德国、美国、英国等世界前九个航运大国在内的六十多 个国家和地区,满载着中国制造、世界制造,航行于全球的洋面上。未来机电类产品出口 贸易发展中,无疑船舶出口将占据越来越重要的地位,发展潜力巨大。本文分为五个部分, 第一部分介绍国内外研究现状以及文章的研究目的和意义;第二部分分析我国船舶出口情 况,是文章的重点部分,主要从我国船舶出口的状况、我国船舶出口变动的分析和我国船 舶出口的竞争情况分析三方面着手;第三部分分析我国船舶出口的前景,制定相应的竞争 策略,主要从经济、技术、工业体系和国内外相关需求四个方面进行分析;第四部分是浅 析我国船舶出口的成就和前景;第五部分得出结论并提出建议。66312

毕业论文关键词: 船舶出口;船舶智造;中国船舶

An Analysis of China's Ship Export

Abstract: In recent years, China's shipbuilding production has witnessed remarkable growth and has become a world-renowned shipbuilding industry with significant  influence. China's ship exports to Greece, Norway, Germany, the United States, Britain and other world's top nine shipping powers, including more than 60 countries and regions, filled with Chinese-made, world-made, sailing in the global ocean. The future development of electromechanical products export trade, no doubt ship exports will occupy an increasingly important position, the development potential is huge. This paper is pided into five parts, the first part, introduces the current research situation and the purpose and significance of the article. The second part analyzes the ship export situation in China, which is the key part of the article, mainly from the ship export situation, The analysis of China's ship export prospects, the development of the corresponding competitive strategy, mainly from the economy, technology, industrial system, domestic and foreign related needs and green shipbuilding five; the third part of the analysis of China's ship exports, The fourth part is to analyze the achievements and prospects of China's ship exports; the fifth part, draw conclusions and make recommendations.

Keywords: Ship export; Shipbuilding intelligent; Chinese ship

一、研究综述 1

二、我国船舶出口总量变动情况及分析 3

(一)我国船舶出口的概述 3

(二)1996-2016 年我国船舶出口的数量变动情况 3

(三)1996-2016 年我国船舶出口的金额变化 5

(四)我国船舶出口总量变动的因素分析 6

三、我国船舶出口的结构变动情况及分析 15

(一)2011-2016 年我国三大主流船型出口的结构变化 15

(二)2009-2016 年我国船舶出口目的地的变化 15

(三)我国船舶出口结构变动的因素分析 16

四、我国船舶出口前景分析 18

(一)我国船舶出口的竞争情况 18

1、中日韩三国比较中阐述我国船舶出口的竞争优势、劣势 18

2、我国船舶出口竞争力的纵向变动 20

(二)我国船舶出口的前景分析 我国船舶出口情况分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_74195.html
