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时间:2021-12-31 10:17来源:毕业论文



Abstract Tea is one of the main export agricultural products in Zhejiang。 It has a long history。 Although the export of tea in Zhejiang Province in China still occupies the dominant position, with the increasingly fierce competition in international market, it has been a serious threat to the further development of the export of tea in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang’s tea industries need further reform and innovation urgently。

In this paper, based on the knowledge, with the help of the theory and practice of research methods。 Firstly, the paper introduces the definitions related to international competitiveness and the evaluation index。Then based on Zhejiang tea’s export status and historical data, collect and analyze relevant materials, evaluate Zhejiang Province tea’s international competitiveness through the international market possession rate, trade competitiveness index and the revealed symmetric comparative advantage index, present influence of the main factors in the tea export of Zhejiang Province。 Finally, through the analysis of the results, propose relevant suggestions to enhance international competitiveness of tea in Zhejiang Province。

毕业论文关键词:浙江茶叶; 茶叶出口; 国际竞争力

Keyword: Zhengjiang’s tea; export of tea; international competitiveness

目    录


1。引言 5

2。文献综述 5

2。1国外研究综述 5

2。2国内研究综述 6

3。国际竞争力的定义及相关理论综述 6

3。1国际竞争力的定义 6

3。2波特的竞争优势理论 7

3。2。1要素条件 7

3。2。2需求状况 7

3。2。3相关支持产业 7

3。2。4公司的战略、结构以及竞争 7

3。2。5机会 7

3。2。6政府 7

3。3国际竞争力的评价指标 8

3。3。1国际市场占有率 8

3。3。2贸易竞争力指数 8

3。3。3显示性比较优势指数 8

4 。浙江省茶叶出口国际竞争力发展现状和趋势 8

4。1浙江省茶叶出口贸易现状 8

4。1。1浙江茶叶的年产量 8

4。1。2浙江茶叶出口数量 9

4。1。3浙江茶叶的出口价格 浙江省茶叶出口国际竞争力分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_87797.html
