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时间:2020-05-06 20:57来源:毕业论文


Abstract: The concept of microcredit originated in the 1970s which was put forward by Professor Yunus, the Nobel economist, to resolve borrowing demand of Bangladesh poor farmers. Then microcredit is widely applied to poverty reduction projects in developing countries. According to China's 2020 goal of building a well-off society in all-round way, and to improve the economic features in rural areas better, Many internet financial companies set foot in the rural financial Internet 。Based on this background, this article chose Eloancn P2P online lending which focuses on three rural borrowers as the object of analysis. The thesis firstly introduces the present situation of P2P online lending industry; then, analyzing the classical operation mode and risk management in foreign countries; and summarizing the experience of foreign countries' risk management. And the study will base on the case of Eloancn P2P online lending platform, analyzing its risk management mechanism and problems, combining macro-environment, micro-environment and foreign experience to put forward some advices for enhancing its risk management.


Keyword:P2P online lending;Risk Management;International Experience;Eloancn

目  录

1引言 4

1.1研究背景及意义 4

1.2研究的基本内容 4

2文献综述 4

2.1国外研究综述 4

2.2国内研究综述 5

2.3研究中存在的问题 5

3国外经典P2P网络借贷平台风险管理的具体做法 5

3.1复合中介型——Zopa 6

3.2单纯中介型——Prosper 6

3.3 非盈利公益型——Kiva 6

4国外P2P网络借贷行业风险管理经验借鉴 7

4.1完善的监管体系 7

4.2 健全的社会征信系统 8

4.3 较规范的行业自律 9

4.4独立存管的平台沉淀资金 9

5我国P2P行业重点平台研究——以翼龙贷为例 9

5.1业务内容 9

5.1.1投资人 10

5.1.2借款人 10

5.2发展现状概述 11

5.3运营模式 12

5.3.1农村互联网金融域 P2P网贷平台风险管理的国际经验及对翼龙贷的借鉴:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_51069.html
