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时间:2019-12-21 16:28来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 长三角地区;服装业;出口贸易

Analysis of the garment industry export situation of Yangtze River Delta region

Abstract: China's clothing in international trade occupies an important position, is the world's largest exporter of clothing, clothing industry foreign trade on China's economic development has a strong role in promoting, but with changes in the international situation, the rise of emerging garment exporter, China's clothing exports by greater challenges. Yangtze River Delta is one of China's clothing export is the main area, in solving the employment, promote economic development plays an important role, in recent years the pace of development has slowed down. At the same time, there are many problems, in order to promote the garment industry in Changjiang Delta of foreign trade development, speed up the garment industry transformation is imperative. Therefore, it is very significant to the garment industry export situation of Yangtze River Delta region. This paper is pided into five parts. The first part is Yangtze River Delta region and garment export situation is mainly analysis of changes in the garment export industry body, trade patterns and the structure of export products; the second part is the Yangtze River Delta area in the garment export industry is facing the problem; the third part is analyzes the causes of long triangle area export situation of garment industry, is mainly analyzes the subjective reasons and objective reasons; the fourth part is the Yangtze River Delta and garment industry to cope with changes in the market specific measures, mainly including the strategy of internal and external two aspects.

Key words:  Yangtze River Delta;  garment;  export  trade

目  录

一、长三角地区服装业出口现状 1

(一)中国服装出口概况 1

1、出口规模持续增加 1

2、贸易方式明显优化 2

(二)长三角地区服装出口现状 2

1、服装业出口主体 2

2、服装业贸易模式 2

3、服装业出口产品结构 3

二、长三角地区服装业出口面临的问题 4

(一)目标市场单一,企业出口风险大 4

(二)生产成本增加,国际市场竞争加剧 4

(三)民营企业占主导,服装附加值缺少自己的专利和品牌 长三角地区服装业出口形势分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_43842.html
