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时间:2019-06-02 22:17来源:毕业论文

近几年,徐州市为了农民收入的持续增加,认为对第一产业进行生产结构调整是相当重要的。同时,徐州各级部门领导以及研究人员,也把第一产业结构的优化升级,放在农业工作中最重要的地方,获得的成就也较为明显。徐州的实践证明:让劳动者收入的收入不断地增长,发展道路、对未来的向往、以及劳动的动力也随之变化调整;也因此调整的小、大、早、晚,而获得收益的各项不同也是变化的。但是徐州市的农业还存在着不大的主导产业规模,不配套的产业体系; 较少的带头发展组织,普通企业又是规模不大,实力不强,因此对其他产业的影响辐射能力也弱;后劲不足的劳动者效益持续增加;在发展龙头产业、调整农业产业结构调整等方面可以起到的作用不突出,并且不具有一定的规模性,等等诸如此类的问题。因此积极采取有力措施加快第一产业结构优化升级,目标就是为了是农民收入不断增长。
Xuzhou Rural Industrial Structure Adjustment Problems
Abstrac:Over the years, China's adjustment of industrial structure of agriculture implemented with greater intensity, its purpose is to further increase the farmers' income and promote agricultural economic development, enhance the comprehensive national strength. Which is even more special, it is one of the major work of relevant government departments, is based in the region's natural resources, strengths and the status of economic development of traditional industries, adjustment of agricultural structure. Adjustment of industrial structure of agriculture is to adapt to the new circumstances process, with each part of the re-adjustment of agricultural production and arrangements. Currently in the agricultural industrial structure adjustment in some areas, the efforts were not enough depth and should improve its adjustment measures, more significant correction in question.
In recent years, Xuzhou City in order to continue to increase farmers' income, the agricultural structure adjustment, as an important initiative. The agricultural structure, agricultural work on the most important place, and the results achieved is remarkable. Xuzhou proved: let labor income, revenue continued to grow, the development of roads, longing for the future, and also changes the labor force adjustment; therefore adjust the small, large, early and late, and reap the benefits of all Different items also change. But agriculture in Xuzhou City, there are still not the dominant industrial scale, is not supporting the industrial system; less lead development organizations, ordinary business is small, the strength is not strong, so the impact on other industries also weak radiation ; lack of product refinement transformation, low levels of industrialization; production base, small organizations, ordinary households resident, related industries benefit coupling mechanism between enterprises is not close; insufficient capacity continues to increase worker efficiency; the organization is not high degree, many difficulties and problems in leading industries grow, promote rural economic development, especially the industrialization of agriculture, agricultural industry structure adjustment is not obvious based. Therefore actively take effective measures to accelerate structure first, the goal is to be the income of farmers is growing. 徐州市农业产业结构调整问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_34233.html