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时间:2021-03-07 14:24来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着银杏的综合价值得到进一步的开发利用,银杏产业的作用也进一步显现,不仅有利于效益林业的发展,生态环境的改善,农业增效的促进,农民的增收及外汇的收取,尤其是在银杏主产区,银杏产业已成为农民脱贫致富和带动经济发展的重要支柱产业。本文对银杏主产区——泰兴银杏产业发展的现状进行了研究,分析银杏产业发展中存在的问题,提出通过优化产业结构、推进深度开发、拓展销售市场、优化外部环境、打造银杏文化等措施来解决泰兴银杏产业中存在的问题。提出泰兴银杏产业应该被给予重视,其优势应该得到不断的巩固和加强,进而促进泰兴经济的发展。64104


Abstract: With the development and utilization of the multiple value of ginkgo, the function of ginkgo industry has increased a lot, which is not only beneficial to the development of forestry, the improvement of eco-environment and agriculture, but to the increased income of the peasantry and foreign currency. The ginkgo industry has become an important pillar industry to help the peasant out of poverty and drive the development of economy. This topic conducts a research on the status quo of the development of ginkgo industry in Tai Xing, the main production area of ginkgo. It analyzes the problems in the development of ginkgo industry. Besides, some measures are put forward to solve these problems, which include the optimization of industrial structure, the promotion of the depth development, the development and expansion of sales market, the improvement of environment, as well as the building of ginkgo culture. And it reveals that the ginkgo industry in Tai Xing should be paid more attention to and its advantages should be strengthen so as to facilitate the development of economy.

Keywords: cinkgoindustry, development, research, Taixing

1  引言 3

2  泰兴市银杏产业发展现状 3

2.1  银杏资源丰富 3

2.2  初步形成产业链 4

2.3  银杏销售量大 4

2.4  银杏经济效益显著 5

3  泰兴市银杏产业发展存在的问题 5

3.1  资源结构不合理 5

3.2  开发力度不强 5

3.3  销售渠道不畅 6

3.4  资金缺乏使得规模难以做大 7

4  产业发展对策 7

4.1  调整资源比例 7

4.2  坚持科技兴业 8

4.3  健全营销网络 8

4.4  加大扶持与宣传力度 9

结论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13

1  引言

银杏原产我国,不但品种优良,而且具有用材、制药、绿化、美化等多种功能[1],同时还有较高的经济、旅游、生态和科研价值。最近几年,随着银杏栽植面积的不断增加,产量不断的上升,银杏的开发加工事业蓬勃发展,经济效益明显提高,银杏产业已成为市场中颇具代表的活力产业之一。在生产银杏的主要地区,银杏产业发挥着至关重要的作用,不但推动资源的有效实施、环境的改善和经济的可持续发展,而且有利于调整农村产业结构,最终实现农村经济的快速发展。而泰兴是中国有名的银杏之乡,拥有源远流长的银杏栽培历史、丰富的银杏资源以及优良的银杏品种。泰兴市有关部门采取了相关措施,鼓励银杏生产和深度加工的发展,虽然采取的措施产生了一定的效果,但是在银杏产业开发过程中也遇到了不少的困难,当前和今后一个时期的中心任务是必须大力发展银杏产业,充分发挥银杏产业优势。大力发展银杏产业,有利于推进银杏产业化,带动有关行业的发展,使其成为泰兴当仁不让的支柱产业,有利于泰兴人走向小康的道路,有利于增加泰兴财政收入,是落实泰兴可持续发展的重要举措。因此正确剖析泰兴银杏产业发展现状、制约因素,拿出有针对性、可操作性的对策与建议十分必要。 泰兴银杏产业的发展现状及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_71030.html
