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时间:2019-04-30 20:51来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:上海会展 会展物流 发展对策
The Present Situation and Development Countermeasures of Shanghai Exhibition Logistics
shanghai as the representative international city of China,the development of exhibition industry occupy favorable factors. In recent years, with the Shanghai World Expo as an opportunity, the Shanghai Convention and exhibition industry ushered in the rapid development opportunities. And with the constant development of the Convention and exhibition industry situation, exhibition logistics has gradually become the focus of attention of many businesses. Now with the online shopping continues to mature, commercial logistics industry is becoming more and more dependent on the exhibition logistics, as an important branch of modern logistics industry, has a higher professional and service than the general transportation, distribution. In the period of the development of exhibition industry in Shanghai, the entire exhibition logistics industry is facing new challenges, because the exhibition logistics service level is one of the important factors related to the success of the conference and Exhibition. This paper aims to analyze the current situation of Shanghai Convention and exhibition of the logistics industry, put forward suggestions for Shanghai exhibition logistics industry.
Key Words: The Shanghai Convention; Exhibition logistics; the countermeasures of development
一 绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)文献综述    1
(三)研究意义    2
二 会展物流概述    2
(一)会展物流的定义    2
(二)会展物流的特性及对会展业的影响    3
三 上海会展物流概况    4
(一)上海会展物流的现状    4
(二)上海会展物流面临的问题    4
四 上海会展物流发展建议    5
(一) 改变传统物流模式    5
(二) 培养专业化会展人才    6
(三) 加强管理,建立统一物流信息平台    6
(四) 结合第四方物流,创建新型会展物流服务供应链    6
1.第四方物流发展思路    6
2.第四方会展物流运作模式    7
3.上海会展业如何引进第四方物流    8
五 总结    11
致谢    12
参考文献    13
 一 绪论
(一) 研究背景
会展业的出现是在第三产业发展成熟之后,且其发展速度十分之快。会展业对于一个城市甚至国家来说十分的重要,因为它能大幅度带动会展周边产业的发展,对于一个地区的整体发展有非常大的好处。从本世纪以来,会展业在中国发展速度十分迅速,平均每年的增幅速度达到了20%之多。在展览场地方面,中国以260万平方米的可供展览总面积居世界第二位,超过了会展强国德国的240万平方米,仅次于美国。中国现加入国际展览业协会的展览已经达到了46种,而中国的的每年平均举办的展览会总数已经占到了世界的百分之十左右。随着奥运会与世博会相继在中国举行,中国的国际影响力与展览业的发展前景都得到了极大提升。尤其是上海在举办世博会之后,其会展业不管是硬件设施还是管理方面都有了明显的提升,这也让上海会展业具备了迅速发展的资本。 上海会展物流的现状及发展对策:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_32762.html