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时间:2019-03-08 21:40来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:汇率 进口 影响 对策
The impact and analysis of exchange rate fluctuations on Chinese imports of Australian mineral products
Abstract:As China's iron and steel production continues to grow, the demand for iron ore is also growing.Although China's iron ore production has been greatly improved, but still can not meet the needs of China's iron and steel production growth.And make the number of imported iron ore continue to improve, becoming the world's largest importer of iron ore.At the same time, rising prices, the iron ore resources, has become a strategic problem which restricts the development of iron and steel industry.In this case, the government began to take a series of measures to deal with the current situation, but the situation is still grim.Therefore, our government should also take other measures to solve this problem, for example, the exchange rate.
Key Words:Exchange rate ; import; influence; countermeasure
目 录
绪 论    1
一、中澳铁矿石贸易现状    2
(一)中国铁矿石贸易现状    2
1.进口数量及增长率    2
2.主要进口国    2
(二)中澳铁矿石贸易现状    3
二、国际汇率变动概述    4
(一)美元指数    4
(二)人民币实际有效汇率    5
三、铁矿石定价机制及其价格影响因素    6
(一)铁矿石定价机制    6
1.长协定价    6
2.指数定价    6
3.月度或者季度定价    6
(二)进口铁矿石价格的影响因素    7
1.铁矿石供应    7
2.铁矿石需求    7
3.海运运费    8
4.进口渠道    8
5.政策因素    8
四、汇率变动对进口澳矿产品的影响    10
(一)汇率变动对进口澳矿产品的积极影响    10
1.有利于进口成本的降低    10
2.有利于缓解中澳贸易摩擦    10
3.有利于中国企业“走出去”    11
(二)汇率变动对进口澳矿产品的消极影响    11
1.盲目投资海外矿产,风险加大    11
2.盲目进口导致供需失衡    12
3.不利于国内铁矿石行业发展    12
五、应对策略    14
(一)企业方面    14
1.谨慎投资,防范风险    14
2.加强冶炼技术改革,提高铁矿石利用效率    14
3.跟船公司签订长期合作协议,减少海运价格波动风险       15
4.加强学习,铁矿石金融化做好准备    15
(二)政府方面    15
1.加强政府预测和前瞻研究    15
2.国家财税政策的支持    15
3.利用金融期货规避风险    16
4.国家整顿规范矿业市场秩序    16
结语    17
致  谢    18 中澳汇率波动对中国进口澳矿产品的影响分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_30906.html