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时间:2018-10-07 16:00来源:毕业论文

关键字:期限错配 利率市场化 利率风险 久期
Title  The analysis of deposit-loan duration mismatch’s influences on interest
       rate’s risk during its liberalization process                       
 Recent years, the deposit-loan maturity mismatch of commercial banks is ubiquitous due to government policy-oriented, continuous adjustment of interest rates, “financial disintermediation” enhanced by financial innovation, bank performance assessment, and loan demand structure.  As the interest rate liberalization is gradually completed, the frequency and amplitude of fluctuations in interest rate increase, the maturity mismatch means that commercial banks have more cashes exposed in interest change risk, which makes it uncertain for future earnings and greatly increases interest risk confronted by commercial bank. Based on the interest rate liberalization, this paper will analyze the current situation and tendencies of commercial bank' s deposit-loan maturity mismatch and utilize the duration model to prove that the deposit-loan maturity mismatch will deeper the interest risk. The results show that: both the narrowness of interest spread and more current deposits and long-term loans caused by complanation of interest rate term structure lead to mismatch of deposit-loan maturity structure, which results in greater interest risk of banks because of uncertain interest fluctuation;changes of market interest more accurately estimated by duration have a positive effect on the market value and operation performance of banks.
Keywords  maturity mismatch;interest rate liberalization;interest rate risk;duration
目   次
1  绪论2
 1.1  研究背景及意义2  1.2  相关文献综述2
 1.3  本文研究思路及方法4
2  我国商业银行存贷期限错配现状及原因分析6
  2.1  我国商业银行存贷期限错配基本特征6
  2.2  我国商业银行存款期限结构问题6
  2.3  我国商业银行贷款期限结构问题8
  2.4  我国商业银行存贷期限错配原因分析10
3  利率市场化下商业银行存贷期限错配产生的利率风险11
  3.1  利率市场化介绍11
  3.2  商业银行期限错配产生的利率风险11
4  久期模型在商业银行存贷期限错配下产生的利率风险分析14
  4.1 久期模型的选择14
  4.2 中国工商银行期限错配产生的利率风险15
5  针对存贷期限错配问题提出的解决方案18
  5.1  拓展我国商业银行长期资金来源18 利率市场化进程中商业银行存贷期限错配对利率风险的影响分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_23814.html