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时间:2018-09-09 20:19来源:毕业论文

The Research of Influencing Factors on Farmers in the Production Processes Outsourcing Behavior —Based on date from survey of rice farmers in Shaoxing City of Zhejiang Province
Abstract:The agricultural production processes outsourcing is the key of "first step" of "three steps" of Chinese characteristic agriculture scale management strategy. This paper chooses rice growers of Shaoxing City in Zhejiang Province, uses Logistic model do empirical analysis about the influencing factors on farmers in the production processes outsourcing behavior. The conclusions of this paper are listed as follows: firstly, farmers have greater demand for agricultural production processes outsourcing; secondly, householder age, gender, level of education, family income structure, land scale, land fragmentation, the quantity of household labor and agricultural subsidy policy have significant influences on farmers' production outsourcing; thirdly,agricultural production processes outsourcing can promote the scale management of agricultural production. According to the conclusion of the research, some policy suggestions are listed such as to establish and improve the land transfer system, to develop non-agricultural industries to provide more and better employment opportunities for farmers, to increase agriculture support, to improve agricultural production socialization service system and so on.
Key words: the agricultural production processes outsourcing; influencing factors; farmers' behavior; production of rice
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
一、引言    2
二、国内外文献综述    2
(一)农业生产环节外包的概念界定    2
(二)农业生产环节外包行为影响因素的研究进展    2
(三)文献综评    3
三、数据来源与变量描述性分析    4
(一)理论框架    4
(二)数据来源    4
(三)变量选择    4
四、实证分析    6
(一)模型设定    6
(二)估计结果    7
五、结论与政策含义    8
(一)结论    8
(二)政策含义    8
1.有效促进土地流转,扩大农户种植规模    8
2.促进劳动力非农流转,提高非农就业水平    9
3.增加资金扶持力度,完善农业生产社会化服务体系    9
致谢    9
参考文献    10
表 1 调查样本分布    4
表 2 水稻生产环节服务外包行为影响因素的描述性统计    4
表 3 调查村庄水稻生产环节外包比例    5
表 4 不同户主年龄段的样本农户的外包比例    5
表 5 不同户主文化程度的样本农户的外包比例    6 农户农业生产环节外包行为及其影响因素分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_22743.html