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时间:2024-03-05 21:40来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Jiangsu Province, the advantages of handicraft industry development is obvious over the years, as an important achievement of the national culture of several thousand years in China, the coming generation of Jiangsu craft masters, ordinary artisans with their own skills and wisdom, having created a distinctive process works。 Based on the development status of Yangzhou lacquerware industry, then combining the relevant theoretical results and the practical problems of the lacquerware culture industry in Yangzhou city, this paper puts forward some reasonable suggestions: firstly, in the production area makes innovation, the brand carries on the strategic construction, the product design practicability conform to the times; secondly, open up the international market by the main way such as International Auction and Fair; finally on the network marketing makes innovation, seizing the Internet + this opportunity。

Key words: lacquerware, export trade, innovation

目 录

1  引言 3

文献综述 3

3  扬州漆器概述 4

4  扬州漆器出口现状分析 4

4。1  扬州漆器生产现状 4

4。2  扬州漆器企业的出口贸易现状 5

4。3  网络营销情况 6

5  扬州漆器出口面临的问题 7

5。1  品牌影响力不足和产品设计创意缺乏 7

5。2  国际市场狭隘 7

5。3  网络营销发展不足 8

6  扬州漆器出口贸易发展对策 8

6。1  重视品牌建设和产品设计 8

6。2  漆器的国际化发展 9

6。3  网络营销方式多元创新 10

结论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13

1  引言


扬州漆器起源于战国时代,兴于汉唐,在明清进入鼎盛时期,在如此长的岁月中一直沐浴着辉煌。但是在建国之后尤其是改革以来,该产业的发展区域停滞,进入了瓶颈期,市场需求更是大幅下降,国际市场更是日渐凋敝,所以需要为扬州漆器的出口贸易发展给出可行性的建议,本文在结合前人研究理论基础上,根据相关数据分析了扬州漆器出口贸易现状,所面临的问题,最后从品牌、产品、市场、营销的角度提出相应的发展建议。 扬州漆器的出口贸易研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_202575.html
