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时间:2024-01-22 22:13来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Fengxian's red Fuji industry is an important pillar industry in Fengxian area。 With the increasing importance of the country's problem to agriculture, the sustainable development of this industry is becoming more and more important in the new situation。 However, with the traditional way of fruit sales increasingly backward, the rise of network sales model, Fengxian fruit industry is facing a huge industrial upgrading dilemma。 This paper analyzes the current situation and problems of Fuji fruit sales in Fengxian area, and the influence of the rise of e-commerce on the traditional retail industry。 Find Fengxian fruit sales in the sales channels, industrial chain, brand culture on the existing problems。 Analyze the causes of the formation of the problem, put forward the rational response to the development of e-commerce era, with a view to help them complete the industrial upgrading。

Keywords: e-commerce, online sales, fengxian, apple 


1  引言 3

2  丰县苹果销售的现状 3

2。1  苹果销售价格 3

2。2  苹果销售投入产出比 4

2。3  苹果销售果品比例 5

3  丰县苹果销售面临的困境 5

3。1  传统销售渠道日益落后 6

3。2  缺乏完整产业链 6

3。3  果品质量日益下降 7

4  丰县苹果销售的对策与建议 7

4。1  大力发展网络销售渠道 8

4。2  完善苹果销售产业链 9

4。3  推进果品生产标准化 10

4。4  加快苹果品牌的推广 10

结论 11

参考文献 13

致谢 14

1  引言  来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766


但是,随着经济社会的日益发展,丰县苹果产业面临着许多问题与困境。随着互联网时代的到来,很多传统商品也都搭上了互联网销售的东风。其中水果作为生鲜时令产品,传统的销售方式已经很难满足日益增长的消费需求。本文在查阅分析相关资料的基础上,对丰县苹果销售面临的困境作出分析研究,找出问题所在,结合当下热门的电子商务等网络销售模式提出研究对策。以期为丰县苹果销售困境的解决尽微薄之力。 丰县苹果销售的困境对策与建议:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_201077.html
