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时间:2018-05-29 20:13来源:毕业论文

The Feasibility Study on Introducing Business Model into Basic Health Insurance
Abstract:In order to study the feasibility of introducing business models in basic medical insurance, the paper analysis the basic medical insurance problems through literature research, questionnaire survey and interviews.It also refined the experience both in domestic and overseas, and discusses the problem from three angles,which is the public, commercial health insurance companies and the government.Although people don't know much about business health insurance,there is still a potential demand for it.Commercial health insurance companies also have the demand for intervening into the basic medical insurance in case of its development, but its current management capacity still needs to be strengthened.The Laws and regulations,which used to regulating and supervising commercial health insurance companies,formulated by the goverment,are still needs to be improved.Therefore,the public, commercial health insurance companies and the government and other stakeholders should be ready in case of introducing the business model in basic medical insurance.The exploration needs to be moderated timely,the experiment needs to be accumulated gradually and both risk, equity and efficiency needs to be taken care of,to let the basic medical insurance to play a better role.
Keyword:Basic medical insurance; Business model; Feasibility
一、引言    1
(一) 研究的背景    2
(二) 研究的意义    2
(三) 国内外现状    3
1、 国内现状    3
2、 国外现状    4
(四)研究目的    4
二、相关概念的界定    6
(一) 社会医疗保险    6
(二) 商业医疗保险    6
(三) 在基本医疗保险中引入商业模式    7
三、研究方法    8
(一) 文献研究    8
(二) 实地调研    8
1、 问卷调查    8
2、 访谈调研    9
四、研究结果    10
(一) 文献研究结果    10
(二) 实证调研结果    12
1、 问卷调研结果    12
2、 访谈调研结果    14
五、讨论    17
优尔、政策建议    19
七、结论    22
参考文献    23
附录    26

(一) 研究的背景
2014年4月15日,财政部公布的《2014年全国社会保险基金预算情况》显示,到今年年末,我国城镇职工基本医疗保险基金年末滚存结余预计为8618亿元,居民基本医疗保险基金滚存结余为2133亿元,总结余预计将达10优尔亿元。从长远看,要保障我国医疗保险体系的“可持续化”,医保“盈余”过多并不是好现象。 随着社会的发展,医疗保障需求不断提升,医疗费用逐年增高,基本医疗保险覆盖范围逐年增加,政府在社保筹资和运营方面的压力也会随之增大,现有的盈余如不加以利用,将会在未来被更大量的医保需求快速吞噬。因此本文提出,将商业保险引入基本医疗保险,利用商业保险公司的专业性,将基本医疗保险的筹资、管理、运营和核赔等方面交由其执行,并将商保作为补充保险,将基本医疗保险中部分报销药品和医疗项目移至商业医疗保险的覆盖范围。 在基本医疗保险中引入商业模式的可行性研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_16544.html