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时间:2023-02-09 21:00来源:毕业论文

摘  要在中国经济发展新常态背景下,新型城镇化建设已成为中国经济发展的重要引擎。为贯彻党中央重要战略部署,江苏省出台了《江苏省新型城镇化与城乡发展一体化规划(2014-2020年)》,对江苏新型城镇化建设进行了科学合理的布局。金融是现代经济的核心,资金是现代经济的血液。江苏省新型城镇化建设离不开金融的支持,然而,目前江苏省新型城镇化建设中最大制约因素就是金融支持不足。基于此,本文首先建立了江苏省新型城镇化建设的金融支持体系,然后实证分析了金融支持的效果,最后从资金的供需角度提出推动江苏省新型城镇化建设的对策建议,以期为政府及相关部门制定新型城镇化发展相关政策提供决策参考,推动江苏省新型城镇化建设往更高水平迈进。 57384


Research on Financial Support for New Urbanization Construction in Jiangsu 

Abstract Under the new normal background of China's economic development, new urbanization construction has become an important engine for it。 To implement the important strategic of the Party Central Committee, Jiangsu Province issued a plan which called" a plan about the new urbanization and the integration of urban and rural development in Jiangsu Province (2014- 2020)"。 It has made a scientific and rational layout in the new urbanization in Jiangsu。 Finance is the core of the modern economy, and money is the blood of it。 New urbanization construction in Jiangsu Province is inseparable from financial support, however, lack of financial support has become the biggest constraint of it now。 Based on this, this paper firstly established a financial support system in the new urbanization construction in Jiangsu Province。 Then, analyze the effect of the financial support with empirical analysis。 At last, put forward some suggestions to promote the new urbanization construction in Jiangsu Province in terms of the supply and demand of funds。 This paper hopes to provide some references to policies on new urbanization development for the government and its relevant departments and promote the new urbanization construction in Jiangsu province to a higher level。

Keywords: Financial support; New urbanization; Comprehensive assessment system; Rural Finance

目  录

0 引言 1

1 相关概念的界定与基础理论 2

1。1 新型城镇化建设的内涵 2

1。2 金融支持的内涵 3来-自+优=尔;论.文:网www.youerw.com +QQ7520.18766

1。3 新型城镇化建设与金融支持的关系 3

2 江苏省新型城镇化建设中的金融支持现状分析 4

2。1 江苏农村金融供给现状分析 4

2。2 江苏农村金融需求现状分析 5

2。3 新型城镇化下江苏省农村金融体系面临的困境 6

3 江苏省新型城镇化建设的金融支持体系构建 7

3。1 金融支持体系建立依据 7

3。2 江苏省新型城镇化建设的金融支持体系构成 9

4 江苏省新型城镇化建设的金融支持效果分析 10

4。1 江苏新型城镇化建设综合评价体系构建 10

4。2 江苏新型城镇化发展水平综合测度:基于熵值法 江苏新型城镇化建设中的金融支持研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_135698.html
