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时间:2018-04-03 15:07来源:毕业论文

山东现有出口宠物食品加工企业 55家。2009年,宠物食品出口量占全 国的1/3以上,居于首位。其中,胶南市有13家,是全省注册出口宠物食品企业最多的县级市。2009年胶南市共出口宠物食品628批、重量3951.4吨、货值2978.9万美元,分别占全省出口量的13.0%、11.4%、12.7%。今年一季度,胶南市宠物食品企业共出口宠物食品181批、重量1136.151吨、货值871.1619万美元。与去年同期相比分别增长31.2%、28.0%和28.9%。
Export trade in the form of pet food and Countermeasures
Abstract: The pet food industry as the primary branch of the pet industry, its profits should not be overlooked. From 2000 pet industry into the domestic market, and soon swept the country. With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for pets is also rising domestic pet who has continued to rise. What is surprising is not the pet thing, they no less doting pet parents love their children, and their owners are willing to "baby" the consumer to buy the best pet food, wear expensive clothes, go to Advanced beauty shop and so on. Pet heat caused by consumption binge allow entrepreneurs to see the opportunities, with the birth of the branch pet industry in an endless stream. Current domestic pets have been common in big cities, the number of pets and pet economy is constantly "climb the ladder." These are revealing the infinite pet market outlook
Shandong existing export pet food processing enterprises 55. 2009, pet food exports account for 1/3 or more, living in the first place. Among them, there are 13 Jiaonan City, is the largest of the province's exports of pet food companies registered county-level city. 2009 Jiaonan pet food exported 628 batches weight 3951.4 tons, the value of $ 29,789,000, accounting for 13.0% of the province's exports, respectively, 11.4%, 12.7%. In the first quarter, Jiaonan pet food pet food companies exported 181 batches weight 1136.151 tons, the value of $ 871.1619 thousand. Compared with the same period last year increased by 31.2%, 28.0% and 28.9%.
Keywords: pet food; demand; consumption binge; unlimited prospects
一、绪论    3
(一)课题的选题背景    3
(二)课题研究的目的和意义    3
(三)课题的研究现状和发展趋势    4
(四)研究的主要方法    5
1、 文献研究法    5
2、 案例法及实证分析法    5
3、 系统分析法    5
二、宠物食品的基础理论    7
(一) 宠物食品的概述    7
(二) 宠物食品的分类    7
1、干性宠物食品    8
2、湿性宠物食品    8
3、半干性宠物食品    8
4、宠物零食    8
5、宠物保健品    8
(三)宠物食品的安全状况    8
三、我国宠物食品出口分析    10 宠物食品出口贸易形势对策:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_12319.html