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时间:2022-08-13 16:26来源:毕业论文

摘  要:学困生成因及其转化是教育研究的永恒课题。而在当前的中国农村,小学学困生问题尤为突出,其转化工作对于他们的成长和发展有着重大的意义。本文以鹿邑县金锋小学为例,通过在顶岗实习期间对学困生的课堂表现的观察及对一线教师的访谈,在梳理农村小学学困生的具体表现基础上,从学习动机和目标、学习习惯和意志力、教师的处理方式、缺少家长的关爱以及学校教学管理缺乏针对性等方面分析了农村小学学困生形成的原因,并从教师和家长视角探讨了转化小学学困生的途径。83118


Reasons and Transformation of High-grade Student with Learning Difficulties in Rural Primary School

Abstract:The reasons and transformation of students with learning difficulties is an eternal topic in educational research。 In current Chinese rural areas, the problem of high-grade students in primary school is more outstanding, and the transformation work is of great significance to these children’s growth and development。 The classroom performance of students with learning difficulties was observed in Jinfeng elementary school of Luyi County, and the interviews with the teachers on duty in the school were conducted during internships for teacher。 After classification for the types and performance of the students, the formation reasons for students with learning difficulties in rural primary school were analyzed from the aspects of motivation and objectives, learning habits and willpower, teacher wrong approaches and poverty of care from parents, as well as the problems in teaching management。 Finally, the transformation strategy of students with learning difficulties was discussed from the perspective of teachers and parents。

Keywords: Primary school in rural areas;Student with learning difficulties;  Learning motivation; Transformation strategy

目 录

摘要 1

关键词 1

一、学困生的内涵及其分类 2

(一)学困生的内涵 2

(二)学困生的分类 2

二、农村小学学困生的具体表现 3

(一)学法欠佳型学生的具体表现 3

(二)知识断层型学生的具体表现 4

(三)动力欠缺型学生的具体表现 4

(四)选择性学业不良型学生的具体表现 4

(五)外因导致型学生的具体表现 5

三、农村小学学困生形成的原因分析 5

(一)学习动机不足,学习目标不明确 5

(二)学习习惯较差,意志力薄弱 6

(三)教师错误的处理方式 6

(四)缺少家长的教育引导和关爱 7

(五)学校的教学管理缺乏针对性 7

四、农村小学学困生的转化对策 7

(一)摸清学困生的成因 7

(二)重视学困生的心理辅导 8

(三)培养学困生的学习兴趣 8

(四)引导学困生掌握正确的学习方法 8

(五)家校共同关爱学困生 农村小学学困生的成因与转化对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_97782.html
