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时间:2022-07-28 22:19来源:毕业论文



Based on the Poduct Analysis Method Survey Preschoolers in Middle-class Autonomy of Painting Characteristic--In order to A Kindergarten of Pingdingshan City as an Example

Abstract: The develipment of autonomy painting on arts education in kindergarten, make children who use their own favorite painting style from their own will to express their ideas and emotions。 The key of the study is to collect works of children's autonomy paintings, summarize and analysis the children's autonomy paintings by product analysis methods, investigate the painting characteristics of young children, combined with its advantages and deficiencies of the current painting situation,put forward the corresponding suggestion。The result shows that medium level children have accumulated a certain skills of paintings。 In term of modelling, children can be more skillful to use line and shape。 In the aspect of composition, mostly is focusing on vertical type and paratactic type。In color aspect ,children more select their preference color painting and also consider the inherent color of things。 On this basis,the following teching sugestions of children autonomy paintings are put forward for the painting current situation which the children can reach。

Key Words:Product analysis method; Autonomy of painting; Preschoolers in middle-class 

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、中班幼儿自主性绘画概述 2

(一)相关概念界定 2

(二)中班幼儿绘画特点 3

二、基于作品分析法调查平顶山市A幼儿园中班幼儿的自主性绘画特点 4

(一)线条多用弧线、曲线和放射线,形状以圆形、长方形为主 4

(二)以并列式、垂直式为主,各形象间没有明显的联系 6

(三)多选择明亮的颜色,以单线平涂形式进行涂色 8

三、提高幼儿园中班幼儿自主性绘画能力的建议 10

(一)引导幼儿进行观察,丰富幼儿对绘画形象的感知 10

(二)引导幼儿多用几何形状表现物体特征 11

(三)丰富幼儿的色彩感知,提供涂色练习 12

参考文献 14

致谢 16



绘画是幼儿同外界交流的一种工具,以幼儿的绘画作品为载体,来表达幼儿的内心世界与情感。自主性绘画的方式更有利于通过其作品来展现幼儿的喜怒哀乐,尊重幼儿在绘画过程的自主性及其意愿,结合幼儿的身心发展特点与其绘画能力发展的客观规律,同时注重以教师为指导,幼儿为主体的形式,同时充分发挥幼儿的想象力和创造力,从而进行绘画的一种美术活动。对于中班的幼儿来说,自身的经验还不是十分充足,单纯的让幼儿依据自己的意愿,进行自主性绘画还不是十分可行。因此,在本次研究中,笔者主要从绘画的一定主题出发,通过幼儿的自主性绘画作品进行分析。 基于作品分析法调查中班幼儿自主性绘画特点:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_97108.html
