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时间:2022-07-28 22:15来源:毕业论文



A Survey of Parent-child Games Prisonl Situation from Children’s Parents Taking Part in A-Kindergarten Top Class in Zhoukou 

Abstract: parent-child games is the kindergarten,one of the important links between parents and children, and parents are one of the main players in  kindergarten parent-child games。Parents participate in parent-child games their wills directly affect the guality of parent-child games to carry out。This study selectod Zhoukou city A children child of large parents participate in the acticities of parenting。The observotion and interviewing method are used to participate in the parent-child games survey for the top class。Kindergarten parents。Analysis of the influence factors involved。For,example parents work time and activity time conflict。Parents'are not clear for schools sports values understanding and parents of young children cloud of mictent and so on。For influence factors countermeasures are put forward。Such as,propaganda knowledge by various means to enhance parents to parenticipate in frequency,change the wrong understanding and dactively participate in creating the parent-child games and to children as the main body,to encourage and appreciate children,etc。Hope that though this study can pronote the understanding of the parents to participate in the parent-child games,and improve the quality of nursery schools sport。

Key words: Parents; To participate in; Parent-child games

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、概述 2

(一)相关概念界定 2

(二)家长参与亲子运动会的重要性 2

二、周口A幼儿园大班幼儿家长参与亲子运动会调查结果 3

(一)以母亲为主的参与者 3

(二)对规则的认识了解不全面 4

(三)以合作交流为主的参与类型 5

三、影响周口A幼儿园大班家长参与亲子运动会的因素 6

(一)家长工作时间与活动时间相冲突 6

(二)家长对亲子运动会价值的认识不清 7

(三)家长过于包办和控制幼儿 7

四、提高幼儿园大班家长参与亲子运动会有效性的建议 8

(一)通过各种方式宣传认识来提升家长参与频率 8

(二)改变错误认识并积极参与创设亲子运动会 8

(三)要以幼儿为主体,鼓励并欣赏幼儿的闪光点 9

参考文献 幼儿园大班幼儿家长参与亲子运动会的现状调查:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_97106.html
