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时间:2022-07-23 21:38来源:毕业论文



The Study on Teacher’s Guidance Strategy in Art Activities of Kindergarten Top Class

—A Kindergarten in City as an Example

Abstract:Art activities in kindergarten is a very important link in the system of early childhood education, art activities in kindergarten teachers' instruction strategy is scientific and reasonable, related to art activities, whether for children's development has a positive significance。 In this paper by using the methods of literature research, observation method and interview method, of city a kindergarten class art education activities for observation and analysis, mainly from import activities, teachers in the form of questions, teachers' demonstration, teachers of children's works evaluation analysis, from that the guidance of the advantages and disadvantages of the strategy, analysis the cause of the: teachers of young children do not know the place, teachers' role orientation unscientific。 Teachers' education ability is insufficient。 On this basis, puts forward the improvement countermeasures: teachers should establish a scientific concept of children, teachers should strengthen their own learning, teachers should improve teaching practice ability。

Keywords: Art education;Guiding strategy;Children

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、相关概念介绍 2

(一)幼儿园美术活动 2

(二)指导策略 2

二、大班美术活动中教师指导策略的现状 3

(一)大班美术活动中教师指导策略的优点 3

(二)大班美术活动中教师指导策略存在的不足 4

三、存在不足的原因 6

(一)教师对幼儿的认识不到位 6

(二)教师自身的角色定位不科学 7

(三)教师的教育能力不足 7

四、改进幼儿园大班美术活动中教师指导策略的建议 7

(一)教师应树立正确的儿童观 7

(二)教师应加强自身学习 8

(三)教师应提升教学实践能力 8

参考文献 9

附录 10

致谢 12



幼儿园美术教育是幼儿教育五大领域中不可缺少的,幼儿对事物的感触与成人是有差异的。大班幼儿已经有了一定的对艺术作品欣赏水平,对于绘画也有了经验的积累,在绘画技巧方面也有提升。本论文选取市某幼儿园作为观察对象,通过观察幼儿园大班美术活动,获取与教师大班美术活动指导策略相关的资料,通过查阅文献,观察美术活动,与教师进行访谈,分析美术活动中教师指导现状,总结其长处,从中找出不足,并寻求促进教师指导策略的建议。论文网 幼儿园大班美术活动中教师指导策略的探究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_96908.html
