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时间:2022-03-25 22:11来源:毕业论文



The Investigation of the Article about the Early Childhood Teachers' Professional Happiness in Private Kindergartens

—an example of ZhouKou 

Abstract:This article mainly from the vocationalpersonality matching, career achievement, work status, nursery environment, relationships, careers, wages and salaries as well as the reasons seven aspects of the current situation in Zhoukou city park private kindergarten teachers professional happiness to conduct a comprehensive understanding and analysis。 By the author's observation analysis and interview survey, mainly from two aspects of internal and external factors, analyze the impact private garden kindergarten teachers professional happiness reasons。 Comprehensive analysis can be seen to enhance the private kindergarten teachers professional happiness, not only need to strengthen education sector management and institutions themselves, and accelerate the pace of innovation, but also need to pay attention to their own literacy preschool teacher, strive to improve their professional ethics and teacher performance。

Keywords: private kindergartens; Kindergarten teacher; Professional happiness

目  录

摘要 1

关键词 1

一、民办园幼儿教师职业幸福感概述 2

二、周口市民办园幼儿教师职业幸福感的现状调查与分析 2

(一)绝大部分教师认为自己性格适合做幼儿教师 2

(二)幼儿教师成就感很低 3

(三)幼儿教师的工作状态不佳 3

(四)幼儿教师对园所环境很不满意 4

(五)幼儿教师人际关系比较融洽 5

(六)大部分教师对薪资很不满意 5

(七)择业动因对职业幸福感影响很大 6

三、周口市民办园幼儿教师职业幸福感影响因素分析 7

(一)繁重的工作弱化了职业幸福体会 7

(二)复杂的人际交往消解了职业幸福感受 7

(三)机械的管理弱化了职业幸福感知 8

(四)家长的不信任降低了职业幸福感 8

(五)社会的不理解打压着职业幸福感 8

(六)消极的态度降低了职业幸福感 8

(七)良好的成就感增加了职业幸福感 9

(八) 现实的差距降低了职业幸福感 9

四、提升职业幸福感的建议 10

(一)社会方面 民办园幼儿教师职业幸福感现状调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_91601.html
