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时间:2022-03-24 22:59来源:毕业论文



Research Status of teachers in small classes in kindergarten admission preparations

- A Case Study of Zhoukou City

Abstract: The children enter kindergarten, meant the end of self-centered family life。 Children were in completely unfamiliar surroundings one kind of completely different with the family of collective life requires an adjustment period, and how to help children work through the adaptation of the primary teachers in small classes。 In view of this, in my questionnaire survey of 50 small classes in kindergarten in Zhoukou City teacher preparation admission Survey, combined with research and analysis of small classes in kindergarten teacher interviews and the literature and found that most teachers in small classes, although attention to the preparations for admission but preparations for the implementation of the effect of admission did not achieve the desired results。 Therefore, this study will elaborate and propose effective recommendations on the issue for the status of this issue。

Keywords: small class teachers; child care; admission preparation

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、小班教师入园准备工作的概述 1

(一)小班教师入园准备工作的价值 1

(二)小班教师入园准备工作的内容 2

二、小班教师入园准备工作现状调查结果 2

(一)小班教师入园准备工作的形式 2

(二)小班教师入园准备工作的内容 3

(三)小班教师入园准备工作实施的效果 5

三、小班教师入园准备工作存在问题及原因分析 6

(一)小班教师入园准备工作的形式不均衡 6

(二)小班教师入园准备工作内容不丰富 6

(三)小班教师入园准备工作实施效果欠佳 7

四、对小班教师入园准备工作的建议 7

(一)教师应重视幼儿入园工作,加强幼儿入园准备 7

(二)教师应做好家长工作,鼓励家长配合幼教工作 7

(三)教师应加强入园准备工作的专业知识,提高自我经验 7

参考文献 8

附录I 9

附录II 13

致谢 14



让孩子尽快适应幼儿园生活,是幼儿走向集体、迈向社会的第一步,也是形成对外界社会的第一印象时期[1]。幼儿入园准备工作对小班幼儿适应幼儿园生活是非常重要的基础保证,同时也有利于幼儿园的招生工作,也是教师重视幼儿园小班幼儿入园准备工作的重要原因。新入园幼儿由于面对陌生的环境和人群会产生不安的心理,即“分离焦虑”[2]。因此如何让新入园的幼儿尽快适应集体生活,成了小班教师教育的首要问题。而小班教师对幼儿入园的准备工作是幼儿适应幼儿园生活的基本需要,促进幼儿顺利度过入园适应期。 幼儿园小班教师入园准备工作现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_91580.html
