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时间:2021-12-21 09:48来源:毕业论文



On the Traditional Cultural Barriers to the Cultivation of Talents in China

Abstract: At present, Chinese economic development need to be transformated and upgraded urgently from a "manufacturing power" country to a "manufacturing power" country。 The realization of "the dream of making a strong country" depends on the craftsmen who possess modern sense。 Traditional craftsmen have basic spiritual temperament which includes dedication, professional insistence and so on, however, there is still some distance between their competance and the standard of the contemporary high-end manufacturing work。 Contemporary artisan talents should live up to sublate and transcend than traditional artisan talents。 Contemporary artisan talents should obey such basic rules: excellence, the "Practicing" spirit of the unity of knowing and doing; strong feelings of the country; profound scientific and cultural qualities。 Training artisan talents in China has a remarkable cultural barriers, which mainly reflects in smallholder culture, traditional mainstream culture valuing literature while ignoring technology, the effects of "official standard" culture。 Training craftsmen talents is to get rid of "official" values and to create a kind of equal cultural atmosphere。

Key Words: Craftsman talent; traditional cultural barriers; talent cultivation。



在中国传统社会中,“工”与“匠”是分开看的。在《考工记》中有这样的记载:“知者创物,巧者述之,守之世,谓之工。”“匠”在《说文解字》中是这样解释的:“匠,木工也。从匚,从斤。斤,所以作器也。”后来随着时代的发展“工”与“匠”逐渐合为一体,即为人们常说的“工匠”,指的是具有技术特长的手工劳动者,如木匠、铁器匠。当代社会,随着科技创新与制造实践活动日益增多,科学知识在技术活动中的作用日益凸显,它已越来越成为技术创造者的立业根本。因此,当代工匠性人才应有其时代内涵,应是对原有工匠的扬弃与超越。亦即当代工匠性人才不仅应具有传统工匠应该具有的传统基本精神气质、优良品质,而且应拥有当代社会对于工匠性人才的基本规定。据此,笔者在展开论文论述之前将首先对当代工匠性人才的基本内涵作出阐释,明白其内涵对培养当代工匠性人才以及我国实现“制造强国”梦将具有较强的现实意义。 我国工匠性人才培养的传统文化障碍:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_86784.html
