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时间:2021-12-11 21:23来源:毕业论文

摘 要:当代社会的经济不断进步,家庭生活水平不断提高,家长对孩子的早期教育越发的重视。绘本成了家中必备的书籍,更是于近几年在我国学前教育界大热。绘本以图画和文字相互结合的形式,来表现相应内容的文学作品。将幼儿需要学习的内容,渗透到趣味盎然的图画中和简洁易懂的文字中,使阅读成为悦读,真正走进孩子的心底。因此,本文将从幼儿绘本的概念出发,探寻幼儿绘本阅读的发展脉络,分析绘本阅读对幼儿身心各方面发展的教育价值,最后根据现阶段幼儿园绘本阅读教学现状,提出几条能够有效发挥幼儿绘本阅读魅力的建议。75345


Abstract:The economic progress of the contemporary society and the improvement of the living standard of the family,parents pay more and more attention to the early education of the children。Picture books become essential books in home,and even become popular in preschool education in our country in recent years。Picture books in the form of pictures and words together to represent the corresponding contents of the literature 。The contents of children need to learn to infiltrate the interesting pictures and comprehensible texts to make reading really walk into the children's hearts。So,this article will start from the concept of children's picture books, and explore the development of children's picture books,and then analysis of reading picture books on children's physical and mental development of education value,and finally according to the kindergarten present situation of reading teaching and put several suggestions to paly picture books charm。 

Keywords:kids, book reading, value

           目   录 

1  前言…………………………………………………………………………………3

2  绘本阅读的兴起与发展………………………………………………………3

2。1  绘本阅读的概念………………………………………………………………3

2。2  绘本阅读的发展………………………………………………………………3

3  幼儿绘本阅读的独特魅力价值………………………………………………4

3。1  主题单纯,情节完整,有利于提升幼儿的认知发展水平……………4

3。2  文字精炼,韵律优美,有利于提高幼儿的语言表达能力……………4

3。3  画面跳跃,细节凸显,有利于激发幼儿的表象能力…………………5

3。4  色彩饱满,画面丰富,有利于促进幼儿的艺术欣赏能力……………5

3。5  意蕴内隐,情感质朴,有利于培养幼儿的良好品格…………………6

4  充分发挥幼儿绘本阅读的魅力价值………………………………………6

4。1  满足需要,选择适宜幼儿年龄特点的绘本……………………………6 幼儿绘本阅读的独特魅力价值发挥:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_86283.html
