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时间:2021-10-25 21:20来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Mathematics classroom teaching in primary school is the important link of  that the students acquire mathematics knowledge and skills, improve their ability of solving problems and their ability of practice and innovation, and develop mathematical thinking。 Each primary school mathematics teacher must be in the face of dozens of primary school students, it is a great challenge for teachers to ensure that all the students can have a grasp of the mathematical knowledge and develop mathematical ability in a limited time。 Each primary school mathematics teachers should pay attention to all the students in class, mobilize the enthusiasm of the students to learn mathematics, improve the effect of classroom teaching。 Only in this way could they lay a good foundation for students' learning and development。 Based on the actual situation of the elementary school mathematics teaching, in order to arouse students classroom learning enthusiasm and initiative, teachers should seek strategies to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students in class mainly from these aspects including the preparation before class ,implementation of classroom teaching and after-school reflection , in order to realize efficient classroom that the teachers and students grow up and develop together。 

Keywords:Primary school students, mathematics, classroom, enthusiasm

目   录

1  前言 3

2  课前准备寻找突破点 3

2。1  根据小学数学教材挖掘教学的趣味和深度 3

2。2  根据小学生的特点准备不同的教学手段 4

3  课堂实施把握多种策略 4

3。1  采用巧妙的课堂导入,调动小学生求知的积极性 5

3。2  展现数学语言魅力,促进小学生探索的积极性 5

3。3  贯彻循序渐进的教学原则,提高小学生思维的积极性 6

3。4  优化课堂提问,调动小学生课堂的积极性 6

3。5  采用“做数学”的方式,让小学生积极地参与数学学习 7

3。6  加强合作探究,创设积极的课堂氛围 7

3。7  利用有效的评价,增强小学生展现自我的积极性 7

4  课后反思探索新的途径 8

结  论 9

参考文献 10

致  谢 11

1  前言

随着新课改的不断深入,小学数学课堂如今已越来越体现学生的主体性,让小学生积极地参与进来,提高他们数学的能力。然而,在笔者的见习与实习中,仍看到部分学生上课的积极性并不是很高,主要表现在上课容易走神,做小动作,不能够积极地加入同学之间的交流探讨,不喜欢举手回答问题等等。并且,在笔者的亲身观察和经历中,发现许多小学数学课的课堂氛围比较冷清,举手发言的总是那十几个学生,其他同学上课从不积极主动地发言。 调动小学数学课堂积极性的策略:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_83757.html
