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时间:2021-08-27 20:55来源:毕业论文

摘  要:幼儿园主题墙面不仅仅只是美化作用,更加注重的是教师与幼儿、家长的互动以及教师对主题课程的理解。会说话的主题墙面让幼儿在参与的过程中获得知识经验的同时,还可以体验到探索的乐趣。环境是隐形的教育资源,潜移默化的影响幼儿的身心健康。让幼儿参与布置幼儿园主题墙面,能激发幼儿兴趣和探索行为,对班级的责任感和合作意识。本文结合幼儿园环境创设实际,分析主题墙面的价值和内容来源,在此基础上分析了幼儿园主题墙面创设的现状,并提出相应的改进措施。71390

毕业论文关 键 词:主题墙,创设,现状研究 

Abstract: Kindergarten theme wall not only have the effect of beautifying, but also pay more attention to the interaction between teachers children and parents .In addition, teachers' understanding of subject curriculum is also important. At the same time, talking theme wall let children gain knowledge by participation, also can experience the joy of exploration. Environmental education is the invisible resources, exerts a subtle influence on physical and mental health of children. Participating in kindergarten theme wall by children can inspire  interest and exploratory behavior, sense of responsibility and cooperation consciousness to the class. The basis of practical kindergarten environment creation and analysis of the theme wall value and the content source, on this basis the paper analyzes the current situation of kindergarten theme wall, and proposes the corresponding improvement measures. 

Keywords: thematic wall, design, current situation research

目   录

1 前言 3

2 幼儿园主题墙创设的概念及价值 3

2.1 幼儿园主题墙创设的概念 3

2.2 幼儿园主题墙创设的价值 3

2.2.1 深入主题课程的发展 3

2.2.2 激发幼儿兴趣探究的欲望 4

2.2.3 增强师幼互动,家园协作 4

3 幼儿园主题墙创设的来源 4

3.1 内容的来源 4

3.1.1 主题课程方向 4

3.1.2 幼儿的兴趣点生成 5

3.2 材料来源 5

3.2.1 幼儿园提供的材料 5

3.2.2 废旧材料 5

3.3 参与主体的来源 6

4 幼儿园主题墙创设的现状 6

4.1 操作上的缺失 6

4.1.1 教师包办 6

4.1.2 幼儿参与性,互动性少 7

4.1.3 家长参与表面化,仅限于提供材料 7

4.2 内容上的缺失 7

4.2.1 与主题的联系浮于表面 7

4.2.2 材料选择单一,布局不合理 7

4.2.3 废旧材料易破坏 8

4.3 形式上的缺失 8

4.3.1 缺乏主题一致性 8

4.3.2 缺乏特色,趋于雷同 8

5 幼儿园主题墙创设的措施 8

5.1 深入挖掘主题课程 幼儿园主题墙创设的现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_81041.html
