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时间:2021-08-14 16:55来源:毕业论文
采用道德 敏感性问卷在淮安三所学校对流动儿童进行调查,问卷的施测采用团体测试的方式,主试 由心理老师担任。采用 SPSS 17.0 统计软件,对数据进行统计分析。结果:流动儿童道德

摘要:随着我国城市化进程加快,越来越多的农村劳动力以家庭形式流向城市,城市中出 现了一个特殊的群体——流动儿童。他们离开熟悉的家乡,来到陌生的城市,他们的道德 敏感性究竟是何水平有待调查。本文以淮安为例,调查流动儿童的道德敏感性问题。目的: 调查城市流动儿童的道德敏感性,引起社会对流动儿童德育问题的关注。方法:采用道德 敏感性问卷在淮安三所学校对流动儿童进行调查,问卷的施测采用团体测试的方式,主试 由心理老师担任。采用 SPSS 17.0 统计软件,对数据进行统计分析。结果:流动儿童道德 敏感性性别差异不大,但受教育环境与搬家次数的影响较大,流动儿童道德敏感性水平相 对偏低。建议:依靠学校、社会的力量,教育干预与社会背景的改善,改变流动儿童的道 德图式。70779


Abstract: As China's urbanization process is accelerated, more and more rural labor flow to cities in the form of family, a special group has occurred in the city of floating children they leave familiar hometown, came to the strange city, what on earth is their moral sensitivity level we must to investigate taking huaian as an example, examine the problem of floating children moral sensitivity. Purpose: Survey of urban migrant children moral sensitivity, cause social attention to the problems of floating children moral education. Methods:With moral sensitivity questionnaire to investigate the floating children in huaian three schools, the questionnaire were measured with the method of group test, the experimenter by psychological teachers using SPSS

17.0 statistical software, statistical analysis of data. Results: Floating children moral sensitivity gender difference is not big, but greatly influenced by education environment and moving frequency, floating children moral sensitivity level is relatively low. Suggestion: Rely on the school's society, education intervention and the improvement of the social background, the change of the floating children moral schema.

Keywords: migrant children    moral sensitivity    moral empathy    moral judgments


1 引言 3

1.1 道德敏感性的含义 3

1.2 流动儿童的道德敏感性 3

1.3 研究思路 4

2 研究方法 4

2.1 研究对象 4

2.2 研究工具 4

2.3 研究方式 5

2.4 数据处理方法 5

3 研究结果 5

3.1 流动儿童道德敏感性的总体状况 5

3.2 流动儿童道德敏感性的性别差异分析 6

3.3 流动儿童道德敏感性的教育环境差异分析 6

3.4 流动儿童道德敏感性受年级影响 6

3.5 道德敏感性与搬家次数的回归分析 7

3.6 个案访谈 8

4 分析讨论 8

5 对策和建议 9

5.1 流动儿童道德敏感性培养的内容 10

5.2 流动儿童道德敏感性培养的有效途径 10

结 论 流动儿童道德敏感性研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_80242.html
