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时间:2021-05-04 13:15来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着社会发展,人们看法的变化,离异在当今社会已较为常见。但是,由于离婚率逐渐增加,在社会上出现了新的现象:单亲家庭逐渐增加,单亲小孩数目随之攀升。据统计,中国80%单亲家庭是由离婚造成。这也让单亲家庭、学校及社会增加了一个新课题——怎样正确的教育培养单亲子女,让他们能够健康成长。研究表明,在某些程度上,单亲子女在学习、行为、心理、身理乃至健康方面都有别于健全家庭子女,具备一定的特殊性,但如何认识并了解这种特殊性,对单亲家庭孩子进行教育,不仅许多家长对此束手无措,学校也是茫然无措,社会更是对此缺少有效的引导。所以,研究单亲家庭小孩的教育是很有必要的。66752

毕业论文关 键 词:小学,单亲家庭,教育问题,改进策略

Abstract: With the social development and people's perceptions of innovation, now porce is quite common. The porce rate is rising at the same time, single parent families are increasing, the number of single-parent families’ children also increases rapidly. For many single parents and schools, they encountered a new problem, how to better the education of children of single parent families,so that they can grow healthily and happily . Compared to the two parent families,those who grew up in a single parent family,  there will be many unavoidable problems.Therefore, whether it is family, school and society, should be concerned about the importance and urgency of this question and , and combine three parties together, forming a solid teaching structure, so as to jointly promote the physical and mental health of children in single parent family. This paper mainly through the investigation and analysis on the part of the students, starting from the problems of children in single parent families in the primary school , with a preliminary consideration of these problems, and propose appropriate improvement strategies.

Key Words: primary,single-parent families, education, improvement strategies

目   录

1 引言 4

2 研究方法 5

2.1 文献研究法 5

2.2 调查研究法 5

3 调查结果分析 5

3.1 学习成绩 5

3.2 行为表现 6

3.3 父母关注度 6

4 小学阶段单亲家庭子女的教育问题 6

4.1 家长对孩子关心不足 7

4.2 家长自身心态失衡 7

4.3 教师教育方式不当 7

4.4 同伴环境不友好 8

5 小学阶段单亲家庭子女教育问题的改善策略 8

5.1 家长调整自身思想认识,多关爱孩子 8

5.2 灵活运用教学手段,因材施教 8

5.3 注重教师责任引导,正确教育孩子 9

5.4 改善同伴环境,加强同学交流联系 9

5.5 加强家校联合,共同关注孩子成长 9

5.6 提倡社会关注,帮助单亲家庭 10

结   论 11

参考文献 12

致  谢 小学单亲家庭子女教育问题及引导策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_74755.html
