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时间:2021-02-13 22:21来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Primary school stage is a very important period for the ideological and moral formation in human's life. Chinese education plays a very important role during this process. How to effectively infiltrate the ideological and moral education in teaching is a matter of great concern for many Chinese teachers. This paper gives a brief analysis of the significance of Ideological and moral education of Chinese infiltration in primary school in teaching, and thinks of the present situation of moral education, and summed up the three main problems of Chinese teaching in primary school——attention to intellectual education、a single form of moral education、imperfect of the moral evaluation mechanism. From the classroom teaching, extracurricular activities, extracurricular reading and teachers' personal influence, the paper put forward some suggestions on how to improve the effect of moral infiltration in Chinese teaching in primary school.

Keywords:Chinese in primary school, multi angle, permeate, the ideological and moral education 

1     前言…3

2     在小学语文中渗透思想品德教育的意义3

2.1   培养学生良好的道德认知和行为习惯…3

2.2   培养学生的道德情感3

2.3   提升学生的道德思维和道德评价能力…3

2.4   提升学生的自我教育能力4

3     小学语文教学中思想品德教育的特征…4

3.1   渗透性4

3.2   层次性4

3.3   审美性4

3.4   共鸣性5

3.5   针对性5

4     小学语文思想品德教育渗透的现状5

4.1   重视智育的开发,忽视德育的发展目标5

4.2   德育渗透的过程中形式单一,实际效果不佳5

4.3   德育渗透的评价机制不健全…6

5     小学语文教学中多角度进行德育渗透的途径6

5.1   在课堂教学中渗透思想品德教育…6

5.2   在语文课外活动中渗透思想品德教育…7

5.3   在课外阅读中渗透思想品德教育…7

5.4   通过教师本身的影响渗透思想品德教育8



1  前言

目前,对于小学语文教学中德育渗透的研究非常活跃。在广大教育工作者的努力下,大量研究成果涌现, 研究焦点正在形成,研究问题表现出日益集中的态势。这对教师的教学实践活动起到了很大的引导、参考作用,为小学语文教学中德育工作的开展奠定了坚实的理论基础。对于语文教学而言,小学语文不仅仅在教学中起到了识字、阅读的作用,更重要的是在教学的过程中渗透一些优秀的思想文化,给予小学生正确的思想品德教育,促进小学生积极向上思想和价值观的形成,所以针对小学语文教学中德育渗透的研究非常重要。 如何在小学语文教学中多角度渗透思想品德教育:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_69730.html
