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时间:2017-05-04 20:56来源:毕业论文

Research of the Relationship Among Temperament Optimism, Coping Styles and Academic Achievement of Left-behind Children
Abstract:This study used temperament optimistic scale (LOT - R) and simple coping style questionnaire (SCSQ) as the research tool, to study the relationship about temperament optimism, coping styles and scholastic attainment of left-behind children from the perspective of positive psychology.The study found that there was significant correlation between temperament optimistic and academic performance of left-behind children,there also was significant correlation between coping styles and academic achievement, and the dimension of temperament optimistic had significant correlation with positive coping styles,but there was no significant correlation between temperament pessimistic and negative coping styles ;And temperament optimistic , positive coping style and negative coping styles had a significant effect on academic performance,Positive coping styles had the most significant impact on academic performance, and optimism had obvious positive influence to the result, but the negative effect of negative coping styles on the academic achievement  more than positive impact of optimistic to the result.
Keywords: Left-behind children; Temperament optimism; Coping strategies; Academic Achievement
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract.    1
1研究设计    3
1.1研究对象    3
1.2研究工具    4
1.3研究过程    4
1.4数据处理    5
2研究结果    5
2.1农村留守儿童的乐观水平在性别上的差异研究    5
2.2农村留守儿童与非留守儿童的气质性乐观的差异研究    5
2.3农村留守儿童气质性乐观、应对方式与学业成绩的相关分析    6
2.4留守儿童气质性乐观、应对方式与学业成绩之间的回归分析    7
3分析讨论    7
3.1留守儿童气质性乐观在性别上的差异分析    7
3.2留守儿童与非留守儿童的气质性乐观的差异分析    8
3.3气质性乐观、应对方式与学业成绩相关分析讨论    8
3.4 气质性乐观、应对方式与学业成绩逐步回归分析讨论    9
3结论    10
参考文献    11
附录I    12
附录II    13
致谢    14
近年来,随着我国城市化进程的加快,人们的生活压力越来越大,尤其是对于农村人口来说,生存和生活压力格外巨大,由此,大量农村劳动力便不断流向城市打工赚钱以养家糊口,“民工潮”现象便随之愈演愈烈。但因工作时间长、生活条件差,加之现行城市人口制度的限制, 很多外出务工的父母便只能把自己的孩子留在家中, 托付给老人或亲友照顾, 这就形成了留守儿童这个特殊群体。所谓留守儿童,是指“因父母双方或一方外出打工而被留在家乡, 需要其他亲人或委托他人照顾的处于义务教育阶段的十优尔岁以下儿童”[1]。近年来,留守儿童这个特殊的群体在社会上引起了广泛的关注。随着农村外出务工人员的数量不断增加,留守儿童这个群体仍呈现出不断扩大的趋势。这便使得留守儿童成为社会关注的一个热点。由此,教育、心理以及社会工作者们便对这个特殊群体纷纷展开研究。 留守儿童气质性乐观应对方式与学业成绩的关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_6355.html