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时间:2020-08-10 20:21来源:毕业论文



Abstract:   Chen Heqin proposed the famous theory of "living education", which includes do life, do the Chinese,do modern Chinese; The nature and the big society is perseverance; do in teach, in school, do to seek progress. Though the education system is mainly built for early childhood education, many of the advanced idea of the current primary school Chinese teaching is still of great enlightening significance. The purpose of this paper is to analyze some problems existing in current Chinese teaching in primary school. Such as teacher's teaching ideas; The teaching method is lack of innovation; The teaching content confined to textbooks; improper teaching media application then on the basis of Chen Heqin’s "living education" theory , I will put forward some suggestions for promoting the Chinese teaching in primary school .

Such as follow the world trend and update teaching idea; Take the student as the main body and innovate teaching methods; The nature and the big society is perseverance; do in teach, in school, do to seek progress, in order to further promote the primary school Chinese teaching. 

Key words:  Chen Heqin, the theory of "living education", the Chinese teaching

in primary school .


1前言 4

2陈鹤琴“活教育”思想的主要内容 4

2.1目的论 4

2.2课程论 4

2.3方法论 5

3小学语文教学存在的问题 5

3.1部分教师教学理念落后 5

3.2教学方法缺乏创新 6

3.3教学内容局限于课本 6

3.4运用教学媒体不考虑实际需求 6

4陈鹤琴“活教育”思想对小学语文教学的启示 7

4.1紧跟世界潮流,更新教学观念 7

4.2以学生为主体,创新教学方法 7

4.3大自然,大社会都是活教材 8

4.4做中教,做中学,做中求进步 9

结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

1 前言

俗话说“不积硅步,无以至千里”,小学虽小但责任重大.一个个天真无邪的幼儿开始步入知识大门的第一个阶梯就是小学教育,它不仅关系到学生的个人前途命运,还是“树百年大计之基础”。而在小学教育中小学语文又是学习其他学科的基石,因此,小学语文的教学至关重要,可在当前的小学语文教学中仍存在教师教育观念落后,教学方法以讲授为主,教学内容局限于书本等问题。 陈鹤琴“活教育”思想与小学语文教学:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_57925.html
