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时间:2020-06-03 18:32来源:毕业论文



Research on Leading-in Language Design of Primary Chinese Teaching 

-----Take I Want Cucurbit as an Example 

Abstract: Introduction is the language that is used before class guidance and inspiration. A Good introduction likes a magnet which can suddenly gather together the dispersed of thoughts. Introduction in the class can play an important part in creating situations, drawing forth focus, stimulating interest and serving as a link between the past and the future. A good class introduction can make students feel new, strange and interesting for the new lesson, which is a non-ignorable part in class teaching. However, recent primary Chinese teachers lack the necessary introduction design skills and pay little attention to introduction, which makes introduction lost its due functions. On this issue, the present research observes the class intro-duction design of Zhoukou City Liu Yi Lu Primary School’s teachers in class teaching. What’s more, the author analyzed the observation results and found out the problems of introduction design existing in the primary Chinese class teaching. Finally, according to the above problems, the author made three different introduction designs and descriptions for the second grade primary text “what I Want Is a Gourd”

Keywords: leading-in language design; primary school ;Chinese


摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、小学语文导语设计的重要作用 2

(一)创设情境 2

(二)引出重点 2

(三)激发兴趣 2

(四)承前启后 3

二、小学语文导语的运用现状与问题分析 3

(一)课堂观察方法说明 3

(二)课堂观察分析与结论 4

三、课文《我要的是葫芦》的几种导语设计 6

(一)猜谜语导入 7

(二)悬念导入 8

(三)复习导入 9

参考文献 10

附录I 11

致谢 17


清代著名词人李清照曾经说过:“开卷之初,当以奇句夺目,使之一见而惊,不敢弃去,此一法也” [1]。语文课堂的教学也亦如此,一个设计独特,别出心裁,恰到好处的导语能够有效地吸引学生的注意力,激发他们的求知欲望和对这节课的学习热情,从而达到良好的教学效果。所谓导语,就是课堂教学的开场白,是教师在正式讲课之前用来引入新课、启发诱导的话[2]。小学生思维灵活多变,容易被新颖直观的事物所吸引,但教师在设计导语时往往会根据自己的想法,而忽视了学生的这些心理特点,设计的导语不足以吸引学生的注意力,引发学生的好奇心,这样一来就不能使学生在接下来的教学活动中集中精力,聚焦课堂。笔者通过阅读文献对导语设计做了初步了解,在教育实习阶段,深入六一路小学的语文课堂,利用课堂观察对小学语文导语设计现状进行分析并找出存在问题,避开找出的问题,对《我要的是葫芦》这篇课文进行不同的导语设计和说明。 小学语文导语设计研究以《我要的是葫芦》为例:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_53633.html
