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时间:2020-06-01 21:57来源:毕业论文



The elementary school low grade Chinese study of academic assessment

—the elementary school of WuMa

Abstract: Writing words means to write about what you want to express, your thoughts, or your understandings and feelings of things around you. Reading and using words acquired from life are the techniques in writing at the elementary stage. The primary goal is to develop students’ interest in writing. A favorable writing environment should be created to serve lower-level students effectively with a solid writing foundation. This paper conducts a survey on the teachers and lower-level students at the Renhuai Wuma Elementary School by employing the questionnaire method. Based on the survey results and relevant data, the paper further analyzes the existing issues in writing at the elementary stage, explores the reasons behind the issues, and proposes appropriate solutions. 

Keywords: Elementary School student; Write the words; Write words interest ; Ability to write words

目  录

摘要 1

Abstract 1

一、写话的概念、特点与重要性 2

(一)写话的概念与特点 2

(二)低年级小学生写话的重要性 3

二、低年级小学生写话存在的问题 4

(一)写话兴趣较低 4

(二)缺乏写话意识与写话素材 5

(三)写话质量不高,问题较多 6

三、低年级小学生写话问题的原因 6

(一)教师写话教学目标模糊,重视程度不够 6

(二)教师写话教学脱离学生生活实际 7

(三)教师写话评价不及时 7

四、提高低年级小学生写话策略 8

(一)明确写话目标,营造良好的写话氛围 8

(二)运用多种方式、途径,促进学生写话兴趣 9

(三)指导学生学会观察,积累写话素材 9

(四)教师写话评价要及时,激发学生热情 9

参考文献 10

附录I 11

附录II 12

致 谢 13



语言文字运用的培养是当前小学生语文写话教学所必须的掌握的,语言是学好其它学科的一切前提,也是素质能力提高的途径。它主要体现在口头语言和书面语言这两方面。习作就是书面语言的表现形式,也是运用语言文字进行交流的重要方式。 低年级小学生写话问题原因及对策:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_53530.html
