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时间:2020-04-15 20:39来源:毕业论文


Network popular culture plays an important role in the network, and adolescents is the main receiving subject, but the academic circles about the influence of network popular culture on adolescents is not much, especially in the aspect of cognition, this thesis focuses on the influence of network popular culture on adolescents' social cognition, this paper confirmed that the young people rely on the network and pay attention to the network popular culture through empirical investigation, a clear understanding of the influence and change about network popular culture on social cognition's social morality, social gender, social emotional, social policy, social education, and with the knowledge of social cognitive psychology to analyze the motivation, such as moral cognition, adolescent imitate of the network star’s abuse wars and the negative comments on the easy availability of intuition, making them non moral threshold slightly increased; and threshold on the network news youth perception and impression of the social networking platform information form, so that their trust in the social and moral decline degree.


Keyword: network popular culture;adolescents;social cognition




为什么上文提到这么多网络在我们生活中扮演的重要角色,那是为了强调网络对青少年的巨大影响力,因为在互联网中,青少年承担了最主要的角色,据CNNIC 于2015年1月年发布的第35次中国互联网发展状况报告,截至2014年12月,中国网民人数已达6.49亿,网民以10-39岁年龄段为主要群体,比例合计达到78.1%。其中20-29岁年龄段的网民占比最高,达31.5%。可以看出网络已成为青少年学习知识、交流思想、休闲娱乐的重要平台,而与网络一起应运而生的网络文化,也从网络中迁移到青少年的生活中,其所带来的对青少年的改变不容忽视。 网络流行文化对青少年社会认知的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_49931.html
