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时间:2020-03-18 18:58来源:毕业论文


With the development of modern teaching techniques to multimedia as representative of modern educational technology has been widely used in education, the ability to video, animation, sound and other methods to abstract the physical processes and concepts concrete, microscopic visualization of phenomena, static dynamic effects and other advantages, penetration in education and teaching process. Multimedia assisted instruction makes the whole teaching process optimization greatly, not only to new and interesting classroom heavy and difficult to break, but also increase classroom information to facilitate student learning, improve classroom teaching effectiveness. The effectiveness of multimedia has brought great benefit at which the effectiveness of multimedia and how to play their timeliness article in its application in science classes as an example for discussion.

毕业论文关键字:多媒体教学; 多媒体课件; 可行性;实效性

Keywords: multimedia teaching; multimedia courseware; feasibility; effectiveness

目  录

一、 多媒体实施的可行性。 4

1. 与中国国情相结合 4

2. 教育设备先进齐全。 4

3. 学校对多媒体教学重视和支持 4

4. 教师具备多媒体的操作能力、 4

5. 学生对多媒体教学的喜爱 5

二、 多媒体等辅助科学教学的实效性 5

1. 化抽象为具体,表现力丰富,激发学生学习兴趣并有效地突破教学重难点。 5

2. 多媒体教学具有科学性和可操作性。 6

3. 增加课堂信息量,用时少提高教学效率。 6

4. 交互性良好,个体学习与集体相结合。 7

5. 利用多媒体能很好地巩固学习成果。 7

三、 提高多媒体课件实效性途径 8

1. 多媒体课件的应用要根据课程内容和要求, 8

2. 提高多媒体课件制作水平和质量 8

3. 多媒体课件的有效使用 9

4. 体现多媒体课件的实效性规律并将辅助教学与传统教学方法有机结合 9

四、 《科学》课堂多媒体辅助教学的时效性:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_48483.html
