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时间:2020-01-19 16:13来源:毕业论文



Abstract:This paper aims to understand the students' learning interest, and how to stimulate students interest in learning to promote the science teaching of junior high school. This paper mainly introduces the characteristics of junior middle school science curriculum, junior middle school students' characteristics, and interest related to the theory of psychology and education, to stimulate students’ interest in learning, to promote ways and practice teaching and related questionnaire. Writing this paper mainly uses the literature material law, consult the relevant teacher, on-the-spot investigation and questionnaire method, which is introduced in detail to stimulate interest in learning culture and learning interest.

Keywords:To stimulate interest in students, course characteristics, characteristics, experiment, praise

目  录

一、引言 4

1.课题的背景 4

2.研究现状 4

3.研究的意义 4

二、现状的调查分析 5

1.设计调查问卷的意图 5

2.调查问卷及其数据分析和结论 5

3.通过调查问卷后的结论 7

三、研究对象的特征和相关理论 7

1.初中科学课程的特点 7

2.初中学生的特点 8

3.相关的教育学和心理学理论 8

(1)兴趣的概念 8

(2)兴趣与学习的关系 8

四、激发学生学习兴趣、促进学科教学的途径和实践 9

1.学习兴趣的培养 9

(1)了解和满足学生的需要,促进学习兴趣的产生 9

(2)重视立志教育,对学生进行成就动机训练 9

(3)帮助学生对自己有一个清晰的认识 9

(4)培养学生努力导致成功的归因观 9

(5)学生容易产生兴趣的情况 9

(6)利用原有兴趣的迁移,使学生产生学习的需要 9

2学习兴趣的激发 9

(1)创设问题情境,激发兴趣,维持好奇心 9

(2)设置合适的目标 10

(3)控制作业难度,恰当控制动机水平 10

(4)表达明确的期望 10

(5)提供明确的、及时的、经常性的反馈 10

(6)合理运用外部奖赏 10

(7)有效的运用表扬 激发学科学习兴趣促进初中科学课教学的研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_45467.html
