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时间:2020-01-14 21:34来源:毕业论文




Psychology of biological study is a tendency which produced by students’ from sensibility to action during the course of biological study. This psychology, including mainly three factors of students’ motive, interest and strategies. There are more or less problems in the high school students during the study of biology. Those problems are inevitable and hard to be resolved. Psychologies of biological study are complicated, and therefore, investigation and analysis of psychological status of biology learning has become more concerned about aspects of biological education.

A questionary was carried out by 70 high students based on the above mentioned three factors. This discourse is composed of five parts. The first part is the introduction and discusses the topic selection reasons, including research status and research background, and the significance of the study; the second part is journals reviewed, discusses the definition of the scholars on the study of learning psychology, and the theory about learning motivation; the third part is research methods,including questionnaire design, survey, data analysis etc; the fourth part is investigation and comparison, analysis of mental health status of senior high school students to learn biology; the fifth part makes a conclusion on the operation of students’ psychological state in learning biology, and then put forward some specific suggestions to the biological teachers. According to the analysis of the material, I discover some study of poor mental health, such as the imbalance of motive, the lost of interest and the unsuitable strategy. Therefore, give some suggestions:(1) should pay attention to stimulate and maintain students' learning motivation;(2) learning interest and learning strategies are closely linked;(3) train the students' learning strategy.


Keyword: Learning motivation;Biology;Interest in learning;Learning strategies

目    录

摘    要 2

Abstract 2

1绪论 5

1.1选题的现实背景 5

1.1.1教育改革和发展进入了新时期 5

1.1.2培养高中生的生物学素养成为生物学教育的主旋律 5

1.1.3高中生物教育的新使命——让学生学会学习 5

1.1.4素质教育下,高中生物学教学中的问题,亟待解决 高中生生物学习心理状况的调查与分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_45175.html
