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时间:2019-08-27 12:42来源:毕业论文

Intermediate Survey Illustrated emotional type of educational activities——A Case Study of Jiaozuo City Kindergarten
Abstract: The healthy development of human emotion is particularly important in their early childhood, for children to have a healthy body and mind and bright future parents and kindergarten are very attention should be placed on the emotional education of young children. "Picture Book" is designed for children's books produced,  attitude to life, and emotional foundation to help children build healthy and sun. Therefore, this paper intends to picture books of the educational value of the emotional detailed research, research methods of observation, interviews, literature, starting with the purpose, content, and evaluation of the four dimensions of organizational form to illustrate Jiaozuo City Intermediate A kindergarten Survey emotional type of picture books and issues of educational activities carried out by the analysis, and recommendations to promote the Intermediate children carry emotional education class picture books, picture books, including selecting suitable works to optimize the organizational form of teaching picture books, picture books enrich the organization of teaching, Creating effective interactive relationship between teachers and so on.
Keywords: Intermediate children; affective teaching; Illustrated education; material delivery; situational settings
目 录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、焦作市A幼儿园中班情感类绘本教育活动的开展的现状调查    2
(一)绘本的选择    2
(二)情感类绘本教育的方法    3
(三)情感类绘本教育的组织形式    4
(四)情感类绘本教育活动的评价    4
二、焦作市A幼儿园中班班情感类绘本教育活动开展的问题分析    5
(一)绘本阅读的绘本选择有待规范    5
(二)绘本阅读的教育方法有待优化    5
(三)绘本阅读的组织形式有待创新    6
(四)绘本阅读的教育活动的评价有待改善    6
三、促进幼儿园中班情感类绘本阅读的策略    6
(一)选择合适幼儿的绘本作品    6
(二)实行灵活多变的绘本教育方法    7
(三)丰富绘本教育的组织形式    8
(四)创建完善有效的教育活动的评价    9
参考文献    11
附录I    12
附录II    13
致谢    14
绘本展现的精美画面和真挚情感,不仅激发了幼儿的阅读兴趣,培养其养成良好的阅读习惯,而且也对幼儿的情感产生深远的影响。中班幼儿正处在情感认知的关键时期,绘本是促进中班幼儿发展的最好媒介。[1]中班幼儿借助绘本阅读不仅领略了故事情节的曲折,也体验了自身情感与绘本情感的交融,从中感悟到故事给他们带来的情感的认知和灌输。所以,在中班绘本教学可以有效地促进幼儿形成积极、健康的情感。为促进幼儿情感的健康发展,帮助幼儿感受情感、理解情感、表达情感,一些教师通过开展各种绘本教学延伸活动,在绘本教学实践中渗透情感教育,并探索行之有效的绘本教学方法。 中班情感类绘本教育活动开展的调查:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_38347.html