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时间:2019-08-19 18:53来源:毕业论文

To solve the problem of rural left-behind children attribution analysis and correction
Abstract: To speed up the adjustment of industrial structure and city in the process of the rural labor force and the appearance of more and more rural surplus, more and more young people in the choice of migrant workers, at the same time a large number of minor children left at home, and in the vast rural areas, there is a new special group -- "Left-behind children". Long time resulting from the separation of these children and parents lack the warmth of the family, from parents and lack in the exchange of ideas and communication, a series of thoughts and actions in their process of growing on the problem can not be found in the course of time and correction, so that these students had poor performance, poor sanitation, discipline bad, bad habits and other issues. The "school weariness serious tendency" is currently the left-behind children in many thoughts and behavior, the most common and the most dangerous problem. Pay attention to "the left-behind children", help the healthy growth. Based on the survey of the left behind children in rural areas over a long period of time, into their inner world, to find the reasons for their learning, targeted for psychological counseling, enhance their self-confidence, to rectify the mental weariness, so that they can have a good future.
Keywords: Left-behind children; Weariness; Attribution analysis; Correction
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、留守儿童厌学的表现    2
二、造成农村留守儿童厌学的原因    3
(一) 社会因素    3
(二) 学校因素    3
(三) 家庭因素    4
(四) 留守儿童自身的原因    5
三、 农村留守儿童厌学问题的解决策略    6
(一)家庭教育建议    6
(二)社会教育建议    6
(三)学校教育建议    7
(四)政府政策建议    7
(五)自我教育建议    7
参考文献    8
致谢    9
“随着农村经济与城市经济的差距越来越大,造成大批的农民工进城打工,在农村就出现了这样一个特殊群体——留守儿童。”[1]这些特殊的群体却往往被社会所忽视,或许我们都不知道亲人尤其是父母的离开给孩子造成的影响有多大,但是随着近年来留守儿童的人数越来越多,这些特殊群体才逐渐地被人们所关注,关注留守儿童的健康成长是家庭和社会所要面对的一个问题。通过我对某一农村小学的调查,我发现这一小学的留守儿童的比例很高,随后我又对这些留守儿童进行了调查,发现他们的父母大多都在城市打工,家庭的贫困使他们的父母不得不离开他们的孩子来到城市打工,虽然他们的父母让他们的孩子在物质上得到了满足,但是他们的父母却不知道他们的孩子由于缺少家庭的教育在学校表现出了一些不正常的行为。例如:属于留守儿童的学生在课堂上特别爱捣乱并且不喜欢学习,他们特别喜欢打架、偷东西,随后我对这些学生进行了家访,发现他们每天跟着爷爷奶奶生活,而他们的爷爷奶奶年龄都已近七十,他们已没有精力和能力去教育孩子,因此造成这些留守儿童做什么事情都随着自己的性子来做。“由于长时间缺乏父母的教育,这些留守儿童对学习已没有兴趣,随之就开始辍学并较早地进入到社会,由于法制意识的薄弱,他们在社会上往往会出现一些违纪行为甚至走上犯罪的道路。”[2] 农村留守儿童厌学问题归因分析及矫治:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_37931.html