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时间:2019-07-29 19:46来源:毕业论文

Analysis of the Current Situation of Clay Teaching of Top Class
――taking A kindergarten in Shangqiu for example
Abstract:Playing with clay is children's natural ability, so carrying out the clay teaching is beneficial for not only practicing the muscle of children's little hand and improving children's ability of making things, but also developing children's skill and exploiting their intelligence. Based on this, the article is aimed at analyzing the current situation of clay teaching and observing this activity in Shangqiu A kindergarten through methods of documentary, observation and product analysis. By doing this we can find some problems: ignore the inpidual differences of children's ability; mobilize children's interest hardly; lack of the guidance to children and evaluate their works. Based on the analysis of the reasons for these problems, I put forward some effective suggestions about the situation of clay teaching. It’s important to arouse the interests of children's clay creation, conduct children exactly in the making process and respect the inpidual differences of children.
Keywords: Top class in kindergarten; Clay teaching; Analysis of current situation
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、幼儿泥工教学活动的概述    2
(一)幼儿泥工教学活动的概念    2
(二)开展幼儿泥工教学活动的意义    2
二、开展大班幼儿泥工教学活动的现状分析    3
(一)大班幼儿泥工活动中幼儿的表现    3
(二)大班泥工教学活动中存在的问题    4
三、改进大班泥工教学活动的建议    6
(一)在泥工教学活动中应尊重幼儿的个别差异    6
(二)激发幼儿泥工创作的兴趣    6
(三)教师在幼儿泥工操作过程中应正确引导幼儿    7
(四)融入河南传统文化,使泥工活动更加丰富多彩    7
参考文献    9
附录I    10
致谢    11
泥工是幼儿园的儿童美术教学内容。泥工活动最具有效影响力的手段之一是发展幼儿动手动脑能力和培养幼儿创新思文能力,这就需要幼儿通过揉、捏、团、压、拍等用粘土或橡皮泥来塑造人物和动物的艺术形象的技能学习。幼儿喜欢橡皮泥的主要原因正是由于橡皮泥具有鲜艳的色彩、逼真的形象以及可操作性强的特点,所以孩子们总是对一块块橡皮泥百玩不厌。幼儿的创作过程是其在泥工活动中想象力运作的过程中的自我满足。在活动中孩子们可以自主动手,自由的发挥,在想像与制作中,体验快乐。我们的目标是让孩子体验乐趣,快乐的活动。从而使幼儿养成良好的常规认识,能积极主动地参与活动,有条不紊地收拾整理模具等,在活动过程中,不仅提高了技能,还发展了他们的观察力、想象力和创造力。 大班泥工教学活动的现状分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_36429.html