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时间:2019-07-26 11:29来源:毕业论文

Analysis of the status of private kindergarten nursery
——Take G kindergarten in Shangqiu City as an example
Abstract: In order to Scientific investigation the work status of private kindergarten nursey for children. I will test the nurse's work mainly by means of observation,which meanly includes:The present situation of the nurse work, the corporation situation of the nurse and the teacher , nurses communicate with parents, while the use of case studies to explore cooperation between nurses and teachers.The results of the survey show that the nurse work is not comprehensive, cooperate closely enough with the teacher and lack of communication with children’s parents. In view of this,we put forward to three suggestions:First,improve their professional quality and pay attention to the combination of child care and education.Second, kindergarten should pay attention to value of the nurse, given the development opportunities.Last,parents should straighten knowledge of nurse so that positive for home education together.Hope these suggestions can improve the work of the private nursey workers.
Keywords: The nurse work; The combination of child care and education; Cooperation of family and the kindergarten
目  录

摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
一、幼儿园保育员工作的概述    2
(一)保育员的概念    2
(二)保育员的工作内容及标准    2
(三)保育员的工作特点    2
二、G幼儿园保育员的工作现状及存在的问题    3
(一)保育员的工作现状    3
(二)保育员工作中存在的问题    5
三、影响保育员工作的因素    6
(一)自身因素    6
(二)幼儿园因素    7
(三)家长因素    7
四、改进幼儿园保育员工作的对策    7
(一)提高自身职业素养,注重保教结合    7
(二)园所应重视保育员的价值,给与发展机会    8
(三)家长应摆正对保育员的认识,积极进行家园共育    8
参考文献    9
附录    11
致谢    12
保育员是幼儿教师队伍中的重要一员,在幼儿的日常生活和保教工作中起了潜移默化的作用。同时《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》赋予了保育员明确的角色定位:“保育员也是教育工作者,其行为同样对幼儿具有潜移默化的影响。” [1]不论是在园内还是园外,保育员的工作都得不到理解和重视,这种状况存在已久,绝对不能忽视,否则直接影响到幼儿的身心发展,这也是引发本研究的主要原因。

保育员是指幼儿园或托儿所里负责照管儿童生活的人员。关于保育员的职业定义为:在托幼园所、社会福利机构及其他保育机构中,辅助教师负责婴幼儿保健、养育和协助教师对婴幼儿进行教育的人员[2]。 民办幼儿园保育员工作现状分析:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_36357.html