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时间:2019-06-25 19:59来源:毕业论文

摘要:教师进行生活常规教育不仅有利于小班幼儿优良行为习惯的形成,而且可以帮助幼儿园和家庭提高对孩子的教育管理能力。其中,教师在小班幼儿生活常规教育中发挥着重要作用。为了解教师对小班幼儿生活常规教育的现状,以周口市S幼儿园为例本文通过文献综述法、观察法和访谈法发现多数教师对小班幼儿生活常规教育认识不足、标准制定不够科学、执行够不规范。在分析其原因的基础上,本研究提出若干提高教师对小班幼儿生活常规教育能力的建议:第一, 教师应该提高自身素质,转变传统的教育观念;第二, 家长应该接受科学的教育理念,加强与老师合作;第三, 社会应该增进优秀教师队伍建设;第四, 幼儿园应该建立对教师科学的评价制度,并和家庭、社会合作构建幼儿成长的良好环境。36633
           A cross-sectional study of conventional behaviors education  on  pupils in nursery school——Taking a kindergarten in Zhoukou as an example
Abstract:The cultivating of conventional behaviors is not only good for a fine habit of daily life on a pupil in nursery school, but also helps to increase the capacity of education and manage- ment of the kindergarten and parents. Among all the factors, preschool educators play a crucial role in the cultivating of conventional behaviors of small children. To explore the current state of kindergarten teachers toward the cultivating of conventional behaviors, by a full literature review, a careful observation and a detailed interview with teachers in S kindergarten at Zhoukou city, this research found most teachers lacked in a sufficient understanding of cultivating of conventional behaviors, were unable to make a scientific standard for conventional behaviors and often can’t enact it correctly. After analyzing the possible causes, this study advised some measures should be taken to increase preschool educators’ capacity of cultivating of conventional behaviors of pupils in nursery school: First, preschool educators should refresh themselves by acquiring new knowledge and change the traditional concept of kindergarten education. Second, parents should accept the scientific educational theory and cooperate with teachers in kindergarten. Third, the Society should cultivate more excellent preschool educators. Four, the kindergarten should establish a scientific evaluation system on teaching and work together with the society and patents to build a good atmosphere for infant development.
Key words:Cultivating of conventional behavior; Pupils in nursery school; Preschool educators
目  录

Abstract    3
一、小班生活常规教育概述    2
(一)小班生活常规教育的概念    2
(二)小班生活常规教育的价值    3
二、小班生活常规教育现状及问题分析    3
(一)教师对生活常规教育认识的情况    3
(二)教师对生活常规制定的情况    4
(三)教师对生活常规的执行情况    5
(四)教师对生活常规引导方式的情况    5
三、小班生活常规教育问题的成因分析    7
(一)政府重视程度不够,师资力量不足    7
(二)幼儿园评价体系不够完善    7
(三)教师专业素养较低    8
(四)家长教育观念比较落后    9
四、促进小班生活常规教育的教育建议    10
(一)政府加大教师队伍建设,提高教师素质    10 小班生活常规教育现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_35174.html