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时间:2019-06-16 11:42来源:毕业论文
初中生正处在生理、心理发展的重要转折时期,自身以及外界的压力和期望给他们带来了诸多困扰,极易引发他们的学业倦怠。本研究使用问卷法共调查徐州市 384 名初中学生,探讨初

[摘要] 初中生正处在生理、心理发展的重要转折时期,自身以及外界的压力和期望给他们带来了诸多困扰,极易引发他们的学业倦怠。本研究使用问卷法共调查徐州市 384 名初中学生,探讨初中学生的带病出勤、心理一致感、学习自我效能感和学业倦怠之间的关系。研究结果显示: 1. 初中生带病出勤存在显著的成绩差异。初中生心理一致感和学习自我效能感的总体水平较高。 心理一致感、 学习自我效能感和学业倦怠的年级差异与成绩差异均处于显著水平。  2. 初中生带病出勤与心理一致感、学习自我效能感、学业倦怠相关关系显著。具体来讲: (1)预测变量(心理一致感、学习自我效能感)与因变量(带病出勤)存在显著的负相关。 (2)预测变量(心理一致感、学习自我效能感)与因变量(学业倦怠)存在显著的负相关。 (3)预测变量(心理一致感)与因变量(学习自我效能感)存在显著的正相关。 (4)预测变量(带病出勤)与因变量(学业倦怠)存在显著的正相关。 3. 心理一致感、学习自我效能感对学业倦怠均有预测作用,其作用机制为:带病出勤在心理一致感、学习自我效能感与学业倦怠之间的多重中介效应显著。其作用路径为: 心理一致感→带病出勤→学业倦怠 学习自我效能感→带病出勤→学业倦怠 36356
 [毕业论文关键词] 带病出勤;心理一致感;学习自我效能感;学业倦怠
A Survey of the Multiple Mediation Effect of Presenteeism among Sense of Coherence, Academic Self-efficacy and Academic Burnout of Junior High School Students  Abstract: Junior high school students are experiencing critical turns of both physical and psychological development. Pressure and expectation from themselves as well as that from the outside world have caused them disturbance, which makes them develop feelings of academic burnout easily. Thus, the survey was conducted with questionnaire investigation method in order to explore the relationship among presenteeism, sense of coherence, academic self-efficacy and academic burnout of junior high school students. Data were collected from 384 middle school students in Xuzhou. The results are as follows: 1. Middle school students’ sense of coherence and academic self-efficacy are above the healthy level. There are significant grade and score differences among students’ sense of coherence, academic self-efficacy and academic burnout. Score difference exists in students’ presenteeism. 2. Middle school students’ presenteeism, sense of coherence as well as academic burnout has significant correlation with each other. To be specific, (1) Predictor variables (sense of coherence, academic self-efficacy) has significant negative correlation with dependent variable (presenteeism). (2) Predictor variables (sense of coherence, academic self-efficacy) has significant negative correlation with dependent variable (academic burnout).   (3) Predictor variable (sense of coherence) and dependent variable (academic self-efficacy) has significant positive correlation. (4) Predictor variable (presenteeism) and dependent variable (academic burnout) has significant positive correlation. 3. Students’ sense of coherence and academic self-efficacy can forecast academic burnout both directly and through presenteeism. The function routes are, Sense of coherence→presenteeism→academic burnout Academic self-efficacy→presenteeism→academic burnout  Keywords: presenteeism; sense of coherence; academic self-efficacy; academic burnout
(三)学习自我效能感.4 初中生带病出勤在心理一致感学习自我效能感与学业倦怠之间的多重中介效应研:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_34764.html