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时间:2019-05-31 21:55来源:毕业论文

Survey kindergarten small children cultivate a sense of order and status   quo
—A case study of  Kaifeng city T nursery school
Abstract:A good sense of order is called the child's life lay a good happy life and work habits. Who has a good sense of order and the law of  life, things organized, later took jobs after high working efficiency, and be able to prioritize. Dr. Montessori said: "If you do not treat the order, the order will punish you." She believes that 2 to 4 years old children the best time to cultivate a sense of order, but also the sensitive period. Good order in favor of early childhood learning and communication in everyday life, can improve the quality of life of children, and lay a good foundation for the development of children's life. On the basis of theory and research reviewed in the past about the culture of small children a sense of order, we select 12 children in small classes in T kindergarten Kaifeng  ,using observation, interviews, content from teacher training to small children a sense of order, and form more in-depth research, the method of three-pronged approach to the status of a sense of order to start training small children.
Keywords: Infant; Sense of order; Teacher training
目 录
摘要    1
Abstract.    1
一、秩序感概念的界定    2
(一)秩序    2
(二)秩序感    2
(三)小班幼儿秩序感的特点    2
二、教师对小班幼儿秩序感培养现状的分析    3
(一)教师对小班幼儿秩序感培养的内容    3
(二)教师对小班幼儿秩序感培养的形式    4
(三)教师对小班幼儿秩序感培养的方法    4
三、培养小班幼儿秩序感的建议    6
(一)教师方面    7
(二)家庭方面    7
参考文献    8
附录I    9
附录II    10
致谢    11
秩序的原意是指有条理.不混乱的情况 。按照《辞海》的解释秩序就是有条理﹐不混乱;符合社会规范化状态 。
蒙特梭利认为l~3岁是秩序感的敏感期,2~3岁达到高峰。幼儿在这一时期对事物的秩序有强烈的需求,例如玩具没有放在原来的位置、数字卡片的先后顺序不一样,幼儿都会坚持要把物品归为原位。如果幼儿长期生活在一个有序的环境中,看到的和接触到的都是一个不混乱有秩序的状态,那么孩子将逐渐养成一个有秩序的、良好的行为习惯,从而也锻炼了语言表达能力,使其终身受益。 幼儿园小班幼儿秩序感培养现状调查:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_33918.html