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时间:2019-05-18 21:33来源:毕业论文

Ways to solve the current school education on the junior middle school violence
Abstract: Violence education is education in the process of educational activities in order to achieve the purpose of required education and use beyond the student can withstand the range of behavior and makes the students in physical or psychological injury behavior. The internal cause includes the teacher level factor and the student level factor. Such as, lack of teachers' education wisdom, the lack of teachers' quality and personal emotion processing is not appropriate for teachers; Also includes the influence of traditional education concept, teachers' professional environment external causes, such as weak sense of pide and rule of law, these reasons are more or less cause frequent violence of the current junior high school education. Combination analysis, and then put forward the internal way of dispelling education violence, improve teachers' professional development and strengthening of students' personal ability and quality, and externally, is set up with the time spirit of combining the education thought idea, the creation of adapted to teachers' occupational environment and strengthening the construction of legal system idea and perfect relevant laws and regulations. Which is of great significance for promoting the healthy and harmonious development of education.
Key word: Education violence; Teachers; Junior students; Legal system
目  录
引言    1
一、教育暴力的概念及其分类    2
(一)教育暴力概念的界定    2
(二)教育暴力的分类    3
二、引发教育暴力的原因    3
(一)引发教育暴力的内部原因    3
1.教师层面的因素    3
2.学生层面的因素    5
(二)引发教育暴力产生的外部原因    6
1.传统的教育思想观念依然存在    6
2.教师的职业环境存在落差    6
3. 相关法制法规的不完善    7
三、教育暴力的消解途径    7
(一)消解教育暴力出现的内部途径    7
1.提升教师专业发展    7
2.加强提高学生个人能力与素质    8
(二)创设良好的教育外部环境,消减教育暴力发生的外部途径    9
1.树立与时代精神相结合的教育思想观念    9
2.创设与教师相适应的职业环境    9
3.建立与完善相关的法律法规    10
总结       10
参考文献    10
 教育是人类文明的太阳,然而面对屡禁不绝的教育暴力,诸如暴打学生,用恶劣语言辱骂学生等已成为当前初中学校教育中遮蔽阳光的一片阴影。如此扭曲的教育违背了教育的宗旨与本质,严重伤害了学生的身心健康,同时也挫伤了教师的工作积极性。因而分析教育暴力产生的原因,探寻教育暴力的消解途径,对促进教育健康和谐发展,推进现代化教育进程,具有重要的现实意义。 当前初中学校教育暴力的消解途径:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_33499.html