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时间:2019-01-19 16:16来源:毕业论文

Study on the Correlation between Life Values and Personality Characteristics of Teenager
Abstract:In order to explore the relationship between personality and life values, and different personality traits make a difference in formatting young people, life values, which help schools and families to educate different personality traits of juvenile life values. this study stratified random chose a random sample of 200 students of different grades of the youth, using the "Eysenck EPQ- personality test scale" and "life values scale". the results show that: (1) the personality traits tends to High extroversion and concealment, low neuroticism and psychoticism in general. It is no significant difference on Each factor distribution and it showed the consistency of the trend of young people's life values. (2) the correlation analysis showed that it has different degrees of correlation between adolescents with different personality traits and life values of different factors. (3) regression analysis show that internal and external to the personality traits have positive significant effect on life values of each factor, the spirit of quality of life values of each factor has a significant negative prediction effect, but the neuroticism only has negative prediction effect on value orientation.
Keywords: Life values; Personality Characteristics; Teenager
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
引言    2
1研究方法    3
1.1研究对象    3
1.2研究方法    3
1.3研究工具    3
2研究结果    3
2.1青少年人格特质及生命价值观存在的一般情况    3
2.2青少年不同人格特质与生命价值观各因子之间的相关    4
2.3青少年人格特质与生命价值观的预测关系    4
3讨论    5
3.1青少年人格特质及生命价值观的基本状况    5
3.2青少年人格特质与生命价值观之间的关系    6
4结论与建议    7
4.1注重培养青少年的健全人格有利于良好生命价值观的形成    7
4.2注重学校教育在青少年生命价值观形成中的作用    7
4.3根据青少年的个人状况引导他们形成积极的生命价值观    8
参考文献    9
附录Ⅰ    10
附录Ⅱ    13
致谢    14
近年来随着我国高校毕业生人数的不断增长,各行各业的人才竞争也更加激烈,这导致更多的家长和学校在青少年学生的教育问题上越来越重视他们学习成绩的进步和各种技能的培养,而忽视了对他们成长过程中生命价值观的教育,使他们在生命价值观的形成上出现了偏颇,尤其是受到现代社会经济飞速发展和网络多元文化兴起的影响,越来越多的青少年学生在成长中对自身生命价值观的选择产生了迷茫,出现了许多忽视生命价值的思想和行为,甚至产生了严重的犯罪行为。 青少年人格特质与生命价值观的相关研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_29751.html