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时间:2018-12-12 19:41来源:毕业论文

Research of Emotional Behavior Problems on the Left-behind Children of Second-year junior high School
Abstract: To study the current situation of left-behind Children's emotional behavior problems in 2nd-year junior high school and analysis the reasons. Using the strengths and difficulties questionnaire aiming at 210 stundets of 4classes in JiZhong fourth middle school of Dan Cheng. Through the investigation discovery that there are different degrees of left-behind Children in junior middle school emotional behavior problems; Boys left-behind children's behavioral problems and peer interaction problem is significantly higher than girls; Teenager left-behind children hyperactivity problems are significantly higher than that of the first child, teenager left-behind children's behavior are significantly lower than the students in grade 1; Not left-behind children's prosocial behavior was significantly higher than that of left-behind children, father out of left-behind children's prosocial behavior is significantly higher than the mother go out; Parents go out time for emotional behavior problems of left-behind children have no significant effect.
 Keywords: Left-behind children; Emotional behavior problems; Gread 2 phenomenon
目  录

摘要    1
Abstract    1
引言    2
1研究设计    3
1.1研究对象    3
1.2研究工具    4
1.3研究方法    4
2研究结果    4
2.1不同性别留守儿童情绪行为问题各文度的比较    4
2.2不同年级留守儿童情绪行为问题各文度比较    5
2.3不同父母外出情况留守儿童情绪行为问题各文度比较    6
2.4不同父母外出时间留守儿童情绪行为问题各文度比较    7
3讨论    8
3.1性别差异对初二留守儿童情绪行为问题的影响    8
3.2年级差异对初二留守儿童情绪行为问题的影响    8
3.3父母外出情况对初二留守儿童情绪行为问题的影响    8
3.4父母外出时间对初二留守儿童情绪行为问题的影响    9
4结论    9
参考文献    10
附录    11
致谢    13
从改革开放以来,随着城乡经济体制的改革,城乡经济发展差距进一步扩大,全国大约有一亿四千万农村劳动力进入城市打工。在这一群体的农民工当中,有很大一部分外出打工者选择将子女留在了农村,从而形成了一个特殊的群体,留守儿童。所谓的留守儿童,指的是父母双方或其中一方外出务工,而儿童本身留在农村生活的孩子们。他们一般与自己的父母中的一人,或者是隔代亲人,如爷爷奶奶等,甚至是父母亲的亲朋好友,一起生活。随着经济的发展,外出务工人员的逐渐增多,农村留守儿童数量在逐渐呈现一种增多的趋势。据媒体报道,2012年9月,教育部公布义务教育随迁子女超1260万,义务教育阶段留守儿童达2200万,这是一个极其庞大的群体,留守儿童表现出来的问题,引起越来越多研究者的重视。 初中留守儿童情绪行为问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/jiaoxue/lunwen_27623.html